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| History | Method
| Data | Narrative
1 | Narrative 2 |
Narrative 3 Narrative 2: four simulations of metalight and the first showing of luminosity Upon the very dissolution of the conceptual mind the first simulation of metalight rises as radiant white space: recognize its radiance as merely the nature of your own central awareness, beyond conceptual and neurosomatic processing. The white radiance of your mind is due to the condensation of all conceptual and symbolic transmission into the sub-singularity of the neuroelectronic circuit, which then descends its transmission-vector from the cortical center of great bliss to the center known as the event-horizon of metalight experience. It is not necessary to focus awareness on this center, but merely identify its radiance inseparable with awareness. The second simulation of metalight then rises as radiant red space: recognize its radiance as merely the nature of your own central awareness, beyond all neuroelectronic processing. This red radiance of your mind is due to the withdrawal of neuroelectronic transmissions into the subsingularity of the neurogenetic circuit, which then ascends its transmission-vector from the center of emanation to the event-horizon. When both subsingularities enter the event-horizon, the third simulation of metalight rises as radiant black space: recognize its radiance as merely the nature of your own basic awareness, beyond all neurogenetic processing. This black radiance of your mind is due to the implosion of neurogenetic transmissions into the sub-singularity of the metaphysiological circuit, and you enter the black hole of quantum-indeterminacy. Having condensed your transmissions of central awareness to a figure approximating 10-33 cm., it is now possible to invoke the Brownian operator and enter the unmarked state. If entry into the unmarked state is accompanied by explosive velocities, guide the transmissions with vector commands in topquantese to control velocity. Transmissions of awareness through the vortex of collapsed space have now entered a state of high energy. Recognize this final simulation of metalight as merely the nature of your own central awareness, the quantum-simplicity, the quantum of action, the point-instant virtual, the singularity of metalight. Now the first showing of source-direct luminosity, the experience of metalight itself rises. Recognize this luminosity as the ultimate nature of your own awareness, inseparable from space, without center or circumference. Awareness is empty space, and all transmissions may be identas only of space. Yet, this awareness fills the totality of space with its luminosity. It is unobstructed, sparkling, pure and vibrant. Recognize and rest in this ultimate singularity of light beyond all transmissions of light. This is the metalight. There is no other mind, awareness, space but this light. This light is death, the ultimate state, complete liberation. If awareness of metalight is interrupted, even an instant, a stepping-down into sublight experience becomes inevitable. Your awareness will first appear in the form of light, able to travel at any velocity throughout the totality of space. This is the transit of astro-internal intelligence. The high energy states now recur in reverse order: recognize each rise and dissolve. The basic luminosity now emerges from singularity as the total band of light-frequencies. Recognize the streaming of energy as light distributed across this band, transmitting the full spectrum of sublight experience. The diffraction of the basic luminosity into the primary frequency regions now rises as standing wave-forms, the radiant images of the primary energy fields. Five primary fields of radiant energy appear in sequence. Recognize them as nothing other than your own awareness, the metalight itself contained in sublight forms. Each of these primary fields displays the most central transmission of awareness outside the singularity of metalight. Each is a polarity of reception/transmission, with its frequency displayed as a primary color. Each transmits a radiant image from its center throughout the totality of space. First appears the primary field of radiant total space. Its primary frequency is white. Its radiant image is blue, clear, sharp and brilliant. Do not be distracted by the softer white light, which emanates from the peripheral sublight regions of solipsistic transmission. Transmit your awareness directly into the brilliant blue radiance of the primary field. Merge with this light. Dissolve your transmission into this central field of the Densely Packed, the singularity of transmission. Next appears the primary field of radiant pure reflective awareness. Its primary frequency is blue. Its radiant image is white, dazzling, luminous and clear. Do not be distracted by the softer smoky light, which emanates from the peripheral sublight regions of terminal materiality. Transmit your awareness directly into the clear white radiance of the primary field. Merge with this light. Dissolve your transmission into this central field of Complete Joy, the singularity of transmission. Next appears the primary field of radiant pure relativity. Its primary frequency is yellow. Its radiant image is yellow, brilliant with discs, luminous and clear. Do not be distracted by the softer blue light, which emanates from the peripheral sublight regions of symbolic transmission. Transmit your awareness directly into the clear yellow radiance of the primary field. Merge with this light. Dissolve your transmission into this central field of Splendour, the singularity of transmission. Next appears the primary field of radiant prehensive space. Its primary frequency is red. Its radiant image is red, luminous and clear, sharp and bright. Do not be distracted by the softer yellow light, which emanates from the peripheral sublight regions of material imprints. Transmit your awareness directly into the bright red radiance of the primary field. Merge with this light. Dissolve your transmission into this central field of Bliss, the singularity of transmission. Next appears the primary field of radiant event-completion. Its primary frequency is green. It radiant image is green, brilliant, luminous, clear and sharp. Do not be distracted by the softer red light, which emanates from the peripheral sublight regions of flagrant velocity. Transmit your awareness directly into the brilliant green radiance of the primary field. Merge with this light. Dissolve your transmission into this central field of Perfection Completion, the singularity of transmission. Because you have received transmission from these primary fields without directly recognizing them as your own awareness, without merging your own transmission into their radiance, your transit continues in open space. Next all five primary radiant fields appear complete with all their subsingularities of transmission. Transmit your awareness directly into the radiance of this total space. Each of these primary fields and the whole of radiant space is not an extension beyond your own singularity of awareness. Recognize them as appearing spontaneously from within your own awareness. Recognize the radiance of four of these primary fields combined, the fifth field of event-completion is yet to appear. This second showing of basic luminosity now appears in the combined radiance called the Indestructible Transmission. Recognize this transmission as your own awareness and merge with the singularity of transmission which never steps-down into sublight experience. Do not be distracted by the combined soft radiance of the peripheral sublight regions. Transmit your awareness directly into the Indestructible Transmission. Because you have not directly recognized the Indestructible Transmission as your own awareness, your transit continues in open space. Next, five radiant fields of awareness appear from pure space together with all the receptive energies. Recognize each of these radiant fields and all the receptive energies as merely the appearance of your own awareness. Do not be distracted by the soft green light of the peripheral regions of constrained awareness. Transmit your awareness directly into the brilliant radiance of pure space. Merge with this light. Dissolve your transmission into this field of Pure Space. Because you have not directly recognized the primary radiant fields or their subsingularites as the appearance of your own awareness, your transit continues into the blazing emanation fields. These blazing fields are none other than the primary radiant fields in an intense form, appearing due to your distraction or resistance. If you had at first recognized the basic luminosity of the first showing, the singularity of metalight, your awareness would have merged inseparably into this totality of radiant space. If you had recognized the primary radiant fields of the second showing of luminosity, your awareness would have merged inseparably into the singularity of transmission. Here is the next opportunity to merge your awareness with the singularity of transmission. If you do not recognize this singularity as your own awareness now, you will have to make transit into the stepped-down energies of the sublight regions. If you recognize there, your awareness will merge inseparably into the singularity of sublight emanation. Now, recognize the five blazing fields of awareness that appear from pure space together with all the receptive energies as merely the appearance of your own awareness. Transmit your awareness directly into the blazing radiance of pure space. Recognition and liberation of awareness are simultaneous. Throughout this transit in astro-internal intelligence, the singularity of metalight has appeared as the five primary radiant fields out of the ultimate voidness of total space, the singularity of transmission has appeared as the five blazing fields out of the basic luminosity of total space. If you do not recognize the five blazing fields as your own awareness now, they will then appear as the deceleration of energy into the terminal forms of material sublight emanation. If you do not recognize the five primary radiant fields as your own awareness now, they will then appear as the entropic end of your transit in astrointernal intelligence. Do not resist these forms of stepped-down energy: as emanations of total space and fundamental luminosity they cannot reduce your awareness further. Only your resistance to recognition propels you into the material regions. Instead, merge your awareness with these luminous forms of astrointernal intelligence. From now on, until the transit of re-entry, if ones awareness becomes distracted from the basic luminosity, keep this reminder, this special transmission of astrointernal transit. Because you have not recognized the basic luminosity as your own awareness in the first two showings, the third showing, the transit of re-entry begins. The energy of the previous transits has now stepped-down into sublight regions in which deceleration to material forms becomes a preeminent concern. Deceleration of energy across the periodic table of material elements extrudes a spectrum of condensed information from light (high velocity) to heavy (low velocity), in which is encoded angle and frequency of the singularity of sublight emanation relative to local fields. Sublight emanation is known to occur in six forms. However, there is a spectrum of experience determined through actions of material emanation, in which the six realms of experience are simultaneously present at any space-time coordinate. Even terminal (heavy) emanation experience is contained within the quantum of action, the singularity. Only the singularity, open to local structure and inherently luminous in nature, is constant. All states external to full awareness of metalight singularity are recursive states, states of change, states of reversion. Abandon these states and merge your awareness with the open luminous space of metalight. Each of the six peripheral regions appear at this time: do not be distracted from the basic luminosity and join these appearances. Due to residual imprints, your emanation coordinates may appear in the form of your material body, although it is also radiant and display the codes of high frequency traffic. This emanation may travel throughout space without obstruction, but do not be attached to this travel. Many phenomena of emanation will rise, but do not be distracted or follow them. Simply recognize the source of all emanation as your own pure luminous awareness, and rest in this state of liberation and non-action. If such intense phenomena rise that you are drawn into them, only think of resistance and remain in undistracted non-action. If you are drawn into experience of organic suffering, previous actions will rise as the external forms assigned to terminate organic emanation. Recognize these external forms as your own phenomena, as merely reflections of your own open and luminous space of awareness. The open nature of this awareness is the singularity of metalight; its luminous nature is the singularity of transmission. These two are not separate, and this naked awareness is the singularity of intension. Its extensions of high-energy appear throughout space without obstruction: this is the singularity of sublight, the emanation of fundamental concern. Recognize now these four singularities without distraction. Now in an instant you are liberated in metalight or stepped down into sublight experience. [end of transcription] |
| History | Method
| Data | Narrative 1
| Narrative 2 |
Narrative 3 Results | Heuristic Remarks | Glossary | References |