singularity: quantum-simplicityvector: space-time extensionhorizon: prehensive space




phase-mode: modular wave hierarchyphase-structure: convolutional integralsphase-space: holographic spiral


Journal of Mentographic Research, Vol. 5, 2, 2072


Abstract | History | Method | Data | Narrative 1 | Narrative 2 | Narrative 3
Results | Heuristic Remarks | Glossary | References


Use of the holoscope for transit simulation was originally suggested by Richard Phillippi in 2045 after inadvertently entering a transit region through improper shielding of high energy states. His study of anciently derived descriptions of transit elicited an injunctive program for this experience that correlated, much to his surprise, with data found in the Great Liberation Through Hearing In Transit, a popular Tibetan transit adventure known to Sol 3 exo-psychologists.2  Subsequent research in Tibetan and other ancient manuals for transit provided Phillippi with accurate indications that the holoscope, in its function as a full-sensory simulation module, could be utilized as a transit training device. In 2048 Phillippi completed work on the first holoscopic transit simulation module in which he conducted self-experiments as a first run.3  This was the first application of the holoscope beyond its original use for direct-flow transcriptions of energy process within a linguistic or computational framework. Phillippi’s initial transit simulation research led to a popular use of the holoscope for experiential activities unintended by its original theorizers and inventors. However, as this current research will propose, applications of the holoscope extend beyond linguistic and mentographic transcription and its myriad uses are only now gaining attention from the scientific, artistic, and therapeutic communities. In 2048 Phillippi expanded his research through an important study of direct-process imagery (DPI),4 which formed the basis for creation of the Direct Process Library by the TransArt Group of Procryon 6. This library was used extensively in mentographic research for the programming of holoscopic simulations. The pioneer work of Heinrich Enerva in 2012 already demonstrated injunctive meta-programming software for human interaction. In 2064, Ikiru’s fourth-generation version of topquantese finally provided a precise engine and compass for transit in inner space. Current research (2072) in astrophysics, quantum-theory, and neurogenetics provide a general context for realizing the implications of holoscopic simulation for transit experience.


text: basic operational languagecomputation: algorthmic translationsinstructions: mind as message




focus: mode of distinctionscope: process-horizonsprocess: "unit-less unity"


2  The most popularly known and used manual of transit guidance, the Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation Through Hearing in Transit, has been re-compiled with commentaries provided over the last century by Tibetan masters. Thus, the original text, although containing accurate indications of transit experience within the cultural and temporal framework of ancient Sol-3 Tibet, has been greatly expanded to include a broader spectrum of experiences appropriate to current post-terrestrial civilizations. Through the application of basic principles set out by Padmasambhava, later Tibetan masters of this century have actually translated the manual into a number of languages, with a corresponding transposition of its imagery to the various cultural frameworks. This researcher was first introduced to this manual through a translation into Arcturian, in which the ancient forms of vision were first correlated with the spectrum of energy states commonly experienced in the Arcturian system.

3  Phillippi cites the successful scientific use of samadhi tanks and the statement made in 1977 by Timothy Leary that "The Sixth Circuit capacity of the brain operates best in a protective environment which responds at Einsteinian speeds and relativities—or at least where the others present refrain from imposing larval signals on the transception." Of course, this also has its analogue in the ancient Buddhist and shamanist strategy of long-term isolated retreat.

4  First theorized by Timothy Leary in 1965. See references.

Abstract | History | Method | Data | Narrative 1 | Narrative 2 | Narrative 3
Results | Heuristic Remarks | Glossary | References