Language of Words (the Word) Symbolic Language, is merely precursor
to direct-flow transcriptions of Energy process. The Word protects,
buffers the primitive brain-system from the high energy states, interposing
the frozen image as receptacle for coding information transaction. Beyond
this function, dominance of the Word is an energy prison, a cage of
symbolic division of Energy into forms for enclosing Space and negating
Theory informs technology; technology forecasts
theory: theory is structural innovation informing experimental techniques
in information determination; experimental technique is technology forecasting
theoretical innovation upon determined information.
The human species, a single entity in biology
and mind, is evolving to cortical apperception as a Macro-Brain; individuals,
minds, brains, becoming cells genetically determined and instructed
by the vast bionic circuit of the species. Cells forming the information
network operative in that circuit. The body/cell relation (master/slave,
whole/part, meta/basic, macro/micro) forming a holarchy of functions
in information transfer governing message integration into the meta-intelligence
of the Species-Body. Seen from perspective of the species, minds are
messages linked in the network for benefit of the Species-Body. Upgrading
the quality of message content is the integrated, proper course for
a mind as cell. Alignment with particular functions is integration in
systems and organs of the Species-Body. The human body serving as basic
model of the Species-Body, as its micro-image (unit), inferring anatomy,
organ systems, circulatory systems, an immune-apparatus, an omni-circuited
brain, a soma and germline.
The order of integration is provided through
redundancy with parameters, that is, structure. Energy is transmitted
through recapitulating manifolds of decreasing scope, acquiring signal-noise
determinations in local structure.