singularity: quantum-simplicityvector: space-time extensionhorizon: prehensive space




phase-mode: modular wave hierarchyphase-structure: convolutional integralsphase-space: holographic spiral


Language (abstraction, symbols, information) is Energy.
     Energy informs Matter through Language.
Matter forecasts Energy through Language.
     Matter is condensed information.
     Energy is condensed abstraction.
Language is a simulation by Energy of Energy through Energy.
     Language: a grammar of Energy.
     Language: Word circles in a space picture.
     Language: between process and the frozen image.
     Language: internal tools.
A periodic table of Language: textual stoichiometry.
     hydrogen-language the quantum-simplicity of form (1).
     nitrogen-language the terra reciprocal-maintenance (7).
     oxygen-language the life-octave of being (8)
     iron-language the language of external tools.
Language a calculus of Energy devolving.
Language an injunctive science of evolving distinctions.
Language a chemistry of translations (DNA) to external traffic.
Language a software for genetic text.
Language the brainchild of DNA.
Language the Event Horizon of Energy.
Intelligence the Singularity of Energy.
Consciousness the Receptacle of Energy.
Language a periodic table of consciousness.


text: basic operational languagecomputation: algorthmic translationsinstructions: mind as message




focus: mode of distinctionscope: process-horizonsprocess: "unit-less unity"