singularity: quantum-simplicityvector: space-time extensionhorizon: prehensive space




phase-mode: modular wave hierarchyphase-structure: convolutional integralsphase-space: holographic spiral


A Poetry of Argument

  w/ reasons in formative order

         meta-spherical progression

             Wittgensteinian method, but the structure altered

             according to tautology

a poetry of required definition

it must demand at each line interpretation

understanding only thru the ordered hesitation

  a poem that would scale the ladder

      and (as Wittgenstein says)

            itself would disappear

            completely coincident w/ the very last rung

                 precisely turned on its center

                 logical pallandrone,

                 locked on its course

                       to DESIGN ...

a poem that would end w/ the blank page,

the last interior word.


text: basic operational languagecomputation: algorthmic translationsinstructions: mind as message




focus: mode of distinctionscope: process-horizonsprocess: "unit-less unity"