singularity: quantum-simplicityvector: space-time extensionhorizon: prehensive space




phase-mode: modular wave hierarchyphase-structure: convolutional integralsphase-space: holographic spiral


Journal of Mentographic Research, Vol. 5, 2, 2072


Abstract | History | Method | Data | Narrative 1 | Narrative 2 | Narrative 3
Results | Heuristic Remarks | Glossary | References


bardo: transit

bardo of life: sub-light transit

bardo of meditation: transit of injunctive meta-programming

bardo of dreams: theta/REM transit

bardo of dying: transit of imprint-retraction

bardo of dharmata: astro-internal transit

bardo of re-birth: re-entry transit

bodhicitta = fundamental concern

channels (nadi): transmission-vectors

channel-wheels (cakra): centers of message reception, integration and transmission on the respective imprint levels of somatic, electronic and genetic circuitry.

clear light: metalight

cyclic existence: recursive looping in limited extrusions of space (See Gödel, Escher, Bach, Richard Hofstader, 1979).

deity: mentographic analogue for pure singularity

dharmakaya: singularity of metalight

dissolutions of elements: retraction of imprints

distraction: stepping-down from metalight into the high energy states, from the high energy states into sublight experience, and from sublight experience into imprints of the four internal neurological circuits.

drops (bindu): sub-singularities

elements: patterns of condensed information, generic imprints suitable for local fields or planetary requirements.

four showings of luminosity: sequentially generated similitudes of clear light

identa: key for recognition, provisionally accepted either in image or concept as a basis from which to conduct internal research, and object of meditation.

imprint retraction: the temporary or permanent loss of somatic, electronic or genetic imprints in the physical vehicle, leading to experience of high energy states and metalight phenomena. Otherwise known as the transit of imprint-retraction, this is the initial phase of transit in which the high energy states are progressively more accessible to message reception.

mandala: mandala-scope (holoscope) center/horizon model for mentographic research

mentography: cartography and navigational instructions for travel in internal space. A commonly used method of navigation employs a Brownian operator for acceleration and 4th generation versions of topquantese for precise explorations of internal space. As mentographic research continues, correlations with ancient instructions such as the Great Liberation are now becoming popular internal tools for those outside the simulation labs.

mind: a complex notion which encompasses many levels of energy transmission from the core metaphysiological quantum-simplicity to the neurogalactic astrointernal intelligence, to the generally accessible ‘self’ commonly known as the identa of recognition.

nirmanakaya: singularity of sublight

recognition: unitless unity of awareness inseparable from all horizonal experience.

rigpa: pure awareness, process-horizon, prehensive space, unitless unity

sambhogakaya: singularity of transmission

visions: high energy expressed below the speed of light, sublight transcriptions of high energy states.

winds (prana): sub-light analogues of meta-light phenomena



text: basic operational languagecomputation: algorthmic translationsinstructions: mind as message




focus: mode of distinctionscope: process-horizonsprocess: "unit-less unity"


Abstract | History | Method | Data | Narrative 1 | Narrative 2 | Narrative 3
Results | Heuristic Remarks | Glossary | References