Meeting 16 • 19 May 2011


Todaymy deadline page

numbers in ( ) = minutes planned for activity/ topic
= topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
–M (earlier: –) = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out (but will be taken up later for MORE discussion)
N = a topic / activity that was proposed but not included / is NOT going to be taken up after all
Red italic text like this = comments after the meeting

(5) Review of previous meeting: main points; thoughts in the meantime? NOTE: It has not been necessary to review each meeting, so this feature is going away as of today. But I would like to spend a few minutes reflecting about where we are now in comparison to the first day of the course.

(5) (possibly a regular feature:) assessment (or language learning or just education) in the news! (If I can find something). Today: PPS and textbooks (0909)

(30) PPS second/world language standards (0010a)

(20) Assessing and teaching writing. Query: What are the text type, function(s), context(s), and accuracies of the various writing activities in textbooks?; (0278) a literary interpretation scale (presumably for speaking as well as writing); setup for FLL 2002 assessment of 300-level writing proficiency (0313)

(20) more about rubrics: scoring guide for group projects (0908), and a bigger question: Could this rubric also evaluate good language learning? multiskill/ multi-person activities (projects, teamwork); GER 102 Project 1 (Einkaufen und Geschenke; also work samples 0777a0777b0777c0777d0777e0777f)


(10) Two generic scoring guides for language activities: 1) reading a dialog aloud; 2) global prochievement SG - for just about anything.


(10) Assignment 4: scoring guide for a language activityWe need to streamline this, and I welcome suggestions. Of course, if we had a mid-term… Or maybe we could do a group brainstorm and declare victory after 15 minutes… Or you could start with one of my tests and create the scoring guide for it… We decided to do a group activity in the next class.

Upcoming class meetings

At least another week about rubrics, but also while we're looking at testing in other language modalities. Examples will probably be the GER 103 final (oral test, writing test, reading test).

During the final weeks of the quarter we'll get into other assessments related to language learning: textbooks, courses, curricula, departments, institutions, and other subjects areas as they might relate to languages (example: Content-Based Instruction)

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page. Deadlines are also posted on the general "Assignments & Deadlines" page that is linked from my homepage (and here).




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