Errata Sheet


            Example of Simpson's paradox


          Data sets:


          Author written R functions    

1.       First save the TK.R.functions.R.txt  text file on your computer.  This file contains an R script file.

Must remove the .txt from the file name.

          2. This R script file is named TK.R.functions.R

              Place it in your R directory.

              Then use the code   > source("TK.R.functions.R")

       to load the functions into your work session.


           3. The function emphazplot has been replaced by the function g.emphaz.

        Example:   > library(survival)

> attach(aml)

> Surv0 <- Surv(weeks[group==0],status[group==0])

                                > Surv1 <- Surv(weeks[group==1],status[group==1])  

                                > data <- list(Surv0,Surv1)

                > g.emphaz(data, "ht",legend=c("nonmaintained", "maintained"),"hitilde")  

           4.  The two R functions needed to build a Piecewise Cox PH model are  optimal.change.point and

                extcox.1Et which are stored in the file optimal.change.point.txt  along with an example giving code using the

                ADDICTS data.


           16.August.2010: In-class overhead slides day 1 by Mara.  These are in a PDF file format.


           23.August.2010: In-class overhead slides day 2 by Mara.  These are in a PDF file format.


           30.August.2010 In-class slides day 3.1  by Mara

           30.August.2010 In-class slides day 3.2 by Mara