The string quartet: Bethany Kerr, Robert Kerr, Shona MacFadyen Mungall, Kim Whitney
and the speakers: Albert Widmann, James Bohn, Carl Wamser, Christian Wamser
(Jim Harwood departed before photos started)
1:30 - Lejaren A. Hiller, Jr. (1924-94): Computers, Chemistry, and Music
Carl C. Wamser and Christian A. Wamser, Portland State University
*** Musical interludes between presentations will be the sections of:
Polymer Music: Suite for Two Pianos in Six (Short) Movements,
music composed by Ronald Koningsveld
taped performance by the composer and Walter
Stockmayer (both polymer chemists), recorded at the celebration
of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hermann Staudinger
James Bohn, University of Illinois
Albert H. Widmann, University of Leeds, and Ulrich W. Suter, ETH, Zurich
H. James Harwood, University of Akron
James Bohn, Albert H. Widmann, Carl C. Wamser, and H. James Harwood
4:00 - String Quartet #4 (The ILLIAC Suite)
music composed by Lejaren A. Hiller, Jr., and Leonard M. Isaacson
live performance by:
Bethany Kerr, first violin; Robert Kerr, second violin;
Kim Whitney, viola; Shona McFadyen Mungall, cello
4:30 - String Quartet #2 in D
music composed by Alexander Borodin
live performance by:
Bethany Kerr, first violin; Robert Kerr, second violin;
Kim Whitney, viola; Shona McFadyen Mungall, cello
Cover article on Hiller from the Journal
of Chemical Education, July 1996
Experimental Music Studio at the University of Illinois
Archives at the State University of New York at Buffalo
Music Press (Andrew Stiller)
Meetings Information
These pages will be maintained by Carl