
Abrupt Climate Change and Management


1. Three classes of models

a. incremental

(a little change will always result in a little response)

b.threshold models

(a little change can lead to a big response)

c. multiple stable states with a threshold

(a little change can result in a big response,

AND going back to the original condition requires an even larger remeditation)


2. Example of MSS with a threshold

a. diagram (multi-stable-states) apply to percent of wetlands

b. detour - modeling MSS with descriptions, Boolean algebra and Stella (3 models - shallow lake)

c. Amazon forest


3. Global climate change

a. multiple models

Broeker - is the trigger in the atmosphere or ocean

b. abrupt change in the past

temperature - WHOI page

c. Thermo Haline Conveyor model

circulation diagram - WHOI page


4. Management problems associated with moving toward a threshold

a. research issues of near simultaneous change across the earth from causes and effects

b. what is an appropriate response

time scale has to be soon enough

magnitude of potential damage

no-regrets policy or maybe even a win-win (game theory)

c. detection tools

getting near a threshold- spatial

Rietkerk - semi-arid land


transition from island/labrynth/pool - figure 2

Figure 3

getting near a threshold - temporal

that's a good question?