This case study on the potential damage from global warming consists of the following parts:
Feedback Cycles in Global WarmingOne of the causes of global warming, or more generally, global climate change is increased atmospheric CO2 that comes from anthropogenic sources. Human activity is increasing the release of CO2 into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, burning forests, deforestation and destruction of the soil, along with other activities. This pulse of CO2 into the atmosphere is a perturbation and the earth system will respond with some changes. Our focus is to attempt to identify important responses and determine whether these responses will counter the increase in CO2 or temperature, or whether the response will exacerbate the change. In a systems view of this system, we are looking for feedback cycles that are either positive or negative (Figure 1). A negative feedback cycle will resist change with compensatory flows in other parts of the system. Conversely, a positive feedback will accelerate the rate of change.
It is crucial that we understand these cycles and the potential interaction between these cycles.The negative feedback cycles will lead to controlling or minimizing temperature gain, whereas positive feedback processes will contribute to acceleration of the problem. If we are very lucky, there may be very strong negative feedback controls that will buffer human impact. If we are less lucky, a slight anthropogenic change may trigger a set or processes that will cause a shift in the processes that control surface temperature. In terms of resilience; if the overall global system is very resilient, human perturbation may be quickly fixed, on the other hand, once we cross a threshold (exceed the resilience) there may be a dramatic and essentially irreversible shift in the fundamental processes of the system.
Systems View Simulations of the Possible ScenariosOne aspect of the systems view that is very useful is the construction of simulation models that will predict what will happen if the current processes continue at the same rate. A simple simulation is the projection of when oil or natural gas reserves will be depleted if they are consumed at the same rate as they are now compared to if there is the same rate of growth of the consumption. This is a very enlightening comparison that shows that a resource that might last 200 years at the current rate of consumption (barrels of oil per year for example) might only last 50 years if we project that the rate of growth of consumption continues at 5% per year. We have seen other examples of this type of modeling when we studied population growth models. Pure exponential growth occurs if we assume that the growth rate remains unchanged, whereas the "logistic" equation is on example of the pattern of growth that factors in reduced growth rate as resources are depleted. Variations on the "logistic" model include boom and bust cycles or irruptive growth. Similar, but more involved, simulations can be constructed for human population growth, energy resource depletion, pollution, and quality of life indicators. Donella Meadows and colleagues (Meadows et al. 1992) have created very large models that project future scenarios based on current consumption and growth rates and slight variations in those assumptions. They have used these to explore possible future scenarios and examine characteristics of systems that lead to global collapse compared to the characteristics of systems that lead to sustainable societies. Figure 2 presents a cartoon of one of their comparison.
Both of these scenarios are equally probably but one is much more desirable. The simulation shows illustrates the importance of containing a potentially positive feedback between increased population leading to increased pollution which destroys food production capacity and leads to an overshoot in population and a crash. Although we may see a population crash as a "natural" correction in human population, the causes and circumstances (environmental degradation and starvation) would probably be considered very undesirable future for most people.
Choosing Between ScenariosEach scenario represents a set of initial conditions and response parameters that are theoretically under human social control. The choice of strategy can be portrayed as a "game against nature", where each strategy that you choose has different outcomes depending on uncertain natural events. Figure 3 was presented earlier in the "games view" as a game against nature.
In the present case study, you choices are more sophisticated strategies for managing natural resources and reducing pollution impact, and the natural uncertainty has to do with the global biogeochemical cycle response to resources, pollution and human population. For the purposes of this case study, the pollution is the general CO2 increase in the atmosphere caused by increased energy use and poor land use management. The choices might be represented by the game against nature shown in Figure 4.
John Rueter
July 22, 2003