Lecture 2

October 1, 2009

Brief outline of the day:

  • Problems - review
  • new paradigm
    • complex problems/wicked problem
    • complex process
  • Multiple perspectives framework
  • Actions
  • Conclusions
  • Assignments (reading)



Chap 3: multiple perspective framework

Lecture Notes:


1. Why we study environmental science

review typology of problems

three tracks (a, b, c)

purpose of environmental science

problem typology

a. Exciting time to be in environmental area

shifting paradigm

complex systems


paradigm shift

b. Multiple perspective framework

why we need multiple perspectives



Norgaard - philosophy


modern-post modern (Norgaard)

c. Actions that are consistent with different problems


problem type with actions

2. Examples of multiple perspectives and the framework


chapter 3 - viewers and mpf

3. Conclusions





do the reading listed on the calendar page