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ESM 150

Module 7

  1. Overview of PSU
  2. ESM is your home
  3. Prepare to attend
  4. UNST
  5. Where you stand
  6. Careers
  7. Getting Involved
  8. General advice
  9. Assemble your plan
  10. Get started

Explore these resources that can help you get invovled.

Attend deparmental seminars and symposia

  • ESM seminar series - posted on our webpage
  • ISS seminar series and activities
  • Annual symposium
  • Sigma Xi student research symposium

Join a PSU club

  • Environmental Club
  • Hydrology
  • Outdoor Club - many activities that our students enjoy

Take a related capstone or participate in an intership

  • see module 4 for information on capstones
  • ESM has an intersnhip database

What faculty research areas might interest you?

  • Browse through a listing of research groups in the School of the Environment and individual faculty research areas.

A good way to become involved as an upper-division student, after you have picked a focus area, is to become a student member of a professional society. See this page for a list of some organizations that have student membership or reduced fees for attending scientific meetings.