
Opening slide
Main points today
- environmental science takes a different approach than other disciplines -
- casting a broad net to capture ideas that can help us solve problems, multiple perspectives
- review the tool box we have assembled
- look at examples that we have seen before in a rigorous yet wide ranging manner
The whole purpose of today is to loopback and review
Week 10: Using multiple tools to take an integrative approach
Environmental science is:
Value of this is:
We have aquired familiarity with broad range of tools:
- The tool box (grid version)
- problem types
- KCV (week 7)
- Accounting - impact (week 2)
- Scale (week 3)
- Patterns -
- systems (week 7)
- Optimization (week 4 and 9)
- Risk and uncertainty (week 5)
- Innovation and support with design (week 5)
- Accounting - indicators (week 7)
- Environmental entrepreneurism (week 8)
- Scientific Adaptive Management (week 9)
- Multiple criteria decisions (week 9)
- Putting these to use in a disciplined manner
- practice or habit
- a checklist is a whimpy substitute for a rigorous methodology (but if it's good enough for airplane pilots ...)
- choice of water supply for a city
- LCA for diapers
- the water heater in outback Austrailia from Week 3
- building an energy efficient house (week 4)
- week 5 solar cooker and grey water examples
- week 7 social and environmental examples - such as wetland banks
- week 8 local food / composting / coop or company
- Week 9 Everglades (or other big project)