
opening screen
- Impact depends on three major driving factors.
- We are going to go through these factors but focus on technology and how scientific approach can help.
- see D2L course content tab
- Population and growth must be considered.
- crucial but not the focus of this course
- growth rate of a population - Excel simulation
- similar compounding of growth of consumption (increase in resources/(person*year)
- comparison from Schumacher 1973
- General categories of energy use
- Environmental impact is most severely felt by the poorest third of our society
- Portland and Portland State as a laboratory to understand how to lower impact
- Critical look at IPAT relationship
- it's not just a multiplication - it's shorthand for sets of relationships
- there are interactions between the factors
- What are we going to do?
- Lecture section
- expectations (interaction)
- work (show in D2L)
- weekly rhythm
- Lab