Energy and social structure
1. Energy and Power
energy is the ability to do work
power is how fast that work is done, or the energy density
2. My claim: Energy use structures society
Rheingold-2002. Marc Smith states
"Whenever communication medium lowers the costs of solving collective
action dilemmas, it becomes possible for more people to pool resources.
'more people pooling resources in new ways'
is the history of civilization in ..." pause " words".
power and society types
kcal/day/person |
hunter gatherer - no animals |
2500 |
1X |
low intensity agriculture for subsistence (with animal) |
5000 |
2X |
commercial agriculture - excess crops to sell and a market |
10,000 to 50,000 |
5 to 20X |
industrial society |
50,000 to 100,000 |
20 to 50 X |
post-industrial information age |
250,000 to
600,000 |
100X |
1 Kcal = 0.001162 kWatt*hr (about 1/1000)
means 600,000 Kcal/day/person = 600 Kwatt*hr/day/person
specific example:
Muir-2000 Reflections
in Bullough's Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New England.
pieces were all there before each transition
4. Physical structure of the energy resources
a. centralized vs. distributed
resources --> distribution network --> consumer citizen
soft-path/distributed (soft path includes high amount of reduction of demand)
grid <-- local generation --> consumer/owner
b. sources and consumption
see the table in the book or other source
c. consequences of power generation
CO2 production (is this a pollutant?)
physical structures devoted to transport and storage (cathedral to electricity
- Stilgoe)
S, N, Hg pollutants and toxic forms
heat load to rivers and streams
5. How do we think about energy resources and power?
Adams - energy is always associated with information - energy structure forms
a mentalistic model of society (the way water flow did for the Atzecs)
* Why do we call some of this infrastructure? They're not underneath anything.
Roads, powerlines and other energy structures are the dominant physical
feature of our civilization.
W. Sachs - "American psyche is at grave odds with realistic environmental
My claim: Changing the sources and distribution of energy
is equivalent to changing society.
see elaboration on this claim
6. What are the forms of control of energy?
a. limitation - the stuff runs out
b. "market" - we have some rational tradeoffs that include money
and other commodities
c. regulation - there is a power that can impose some level of control
d. embedded -
peer-to-peer networks (within the larger network)
small scale power generation and short distance distribution
influence is inside out
related to the idea of a "Soft Path"
Ashby's law: control system of a system has to, itself, have a requisite
level of complexity
ordered distribution - simple
network distribution - complex