singularity: astro-internal intelligencevector: extensive-relationshorizon: prehensive-inclusion




phase-mode: superimposition of codesphase-structure: interference patternsphase-space: phase-relations


infinity pushes on zero

is proof of understanding only evident

in the accurate re-phrasing of propositions?

may a tautology be re-phrased at all?

is a paradox a precise and unique gateway,

articulated according to general rules of juxtaposition?

there exists an analogue such

that image, pattern, experience

(these successive temporal modalities)

generate self-requisite epistéme.

analogues of modality: tautological

assertion w/ ontological intent.

Conscious thought: that interior run of nonsense

which aligns itself along credibly organized

grammatical structures. Sentences:

the primary units of conscious completion.


reception: textintegration: translationtransmission: intelligence




focus: state parametersscope: state-measureprocess: state-change