singularity: astro-internal intelligencevector: extensive-relationshorizon: prehensive-inclusion




phase-mode: superimposition of codesphase-structure: interference patternsphase-space: phase-relations


Reverb a sentence in measure a verb
Verb in a measure a sentence reverb
Reverb a verb in sentence a measure
Measure a sentence in verb a reverb
Sentence a measure in reverb a verb
A verb in measure reverb a sentence
A sentence in measure a reverb verb
A sentence in verb a measure reverb
Measure a reverb in verb a sentence
Sentence a verb in a measure reverb

music not a monolithic proof positive,
but a positive proof of elements in unity.
count link step
ineluctable quotient
no main unawares
rhythm is the preservation of energy,
a stochastic jazz of attention.


reception: textintegration: translationtransmission: intelligence




focus: state parametersscope: state-measureprocess: state-change