Jason T. Newsom PhD

Professor, Department of Psychology, Portland State University






Main Page


Current Courses

Univariate Quant

Multivariate Quant

Categorical Data Analysis

Structural Equation Modeling

Multilevel Regression

Psychological Measurement

Adult Development and Aging


Past Courses

Stats Notes



SEM References

SEM Books




LDA Book

Department of Psychology







Data Sets


Note: Data sets may be random samples or otherwise randomly altered for additional anonymity. Findings will generally be consistent with those from the actual study data but should not be published or otherwise reported as results from the study. I will only post current quarter data sets.


Multilevel Regression

Highschool and Beyond data set, hsbmerged.sav, hsb.mdm

Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, ecls2011.sav, ecls2011.mdm.

In class exercises code and output:

April 11 ECLS ANOVA and ANCOVA examples

Growth curve example data used in class, growth1.sav, growth.mdm



HW 1

Soldier mental health data, soldiersmh.sav (SPSS), soldiersmh.mdm (HLM).

Head Start child mental health data, headmh.sav (SPSS), headmh.mdm (HLM).


HW 2

Work, family, and health data, wfh.sav, wfh.mdm.


Community survey, aba_13.sav, aba_13.mdm (optional data)

This data set is from a community survey that examines reports of crime, neighborhood drug use, impressions of the neighborhood, and attitudes toward police. I’ve selected as the dependent variable a question about how the resident feels overall about his or her neighborhood (ranging from 1=“really bad” to 5 “great place”; nhrating). There are two level-1 predictors. One of the predictors is the reported fear of being attacked (fear).  The fear measure is a single-item rating whether the respondent was fearful of being attacked in the neighborhood using a 4-point response scale (1="not fearful at all" to 4="very fearful"). A second level-1 predictor (probs) is derived from an 8-item rating scale of the seriousness of the problems in the neighborhood (e.g. condition of housing, vacancies, crime) with scores that range from 1 to 4.  A level-2 predictor (meanprob) is the group mean or probs (aggregated average value of respondents from each neighborhood). The neighborhood identification variable is nh. (note: This dataset has been modified to increase anonymity and to meet certain data requirements for the problems. The results closely mirror the original results but should not be published or disseminated.)


HW 3

Social relationships longitudinal data set (long format): social.sav, social.mdm


New version of the work family health study data with personal or family accommodations for work, perceived stress, and workplace demands: wfh2.sav, wfh2.mdm