omit text question 5.16
answer question asked
again, answers to work book questions in the back of the workbook
importance of recitations this week
gene and chromosomal mutations
forward and back mutations
somatic; germinal;
in somatic tissue or in gametes SomaticGerminalMut.gif
timing of mutations;
early or late in the development of an organism EarlyLateMuts.gif
Tradescantia KU-9
from blue to pink
a triploid; B = blue, b= pink; KU-9 is Bbb
KU-9 flowers .........ku9-1.GIF
KU-9 staminal hairs .......KU9-3.GIF
Ichikawa, S., et al. 1996 Yearly variation of spontaneous somatic mutation frequency in the stamen hairs of Tradescantia clone KU 9 grown outdoors, which showed a significant increase after the Chernobyl accident. Mutat Res 349(2): 249-59.
By Herman Muller, student of T. H. Morgan
In Chinese (not on the web) ... ../Chinese%20ClB/p1946.htm
ClB technique ..... as a sequence... ClBsequence.html
Components of the ClB technique - must know purpose of each
C = crossover suppresser, dominant "gene" preventing crossing over in the heterozygote
l = a built in recessive lethal mutation, kills half of the males in the F2
B = dominant bar eye mutation, allows detection of F-1 with C and l
m = an induced recessive x-linked lethal mutation used for teaching purposes
ClB technique
hand out...............ClB01.GIF
the genes ..............ClB02.GIF
the genotypes ........ClB03.GIF
Punnett square .......clb04.GIF
Jenny and Paul ...............ClB05.GIF
Paul and his sperm ............... ClB06.gif
Jenny and her eggs ............... ClB07.GIF
Three of Jenny and Paul's Daughters
Nancy ............... ClB08.GIF
Leanne ............... ClB09.GIF
Danielle ............... ClB10.GIF
conclusion .............ClB11.GIF
another problem .....clb12.gif
Muller's Graph ....
Muller Nobel Prize 1946....Photos.... MullerPhotos.GIF (not web)
Nobel Prize site.......
Muller biography.....
Muller and sperm banks:
"The widow of Nobel Prize-winning geneticist Hermann J. Muller says she is upset a California businessman named a sperm bank after her husband. Tea Muller said yesterday in Bloomington Ind., she had denied use of her husband's name for the project - the Hermann J. Muller Repository for Germinal Choice - which matches genes of Nobel Prize-winning scientists with bright women. Robert K. Graham of Escondido, Calif., who established the sperm bank, has......."
Boston Globe 4 March 1980
Greene, G. 1999. The woman who knew too much: Alice Stewart and the secrets of radiation. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
"In 1956, British physician Alice Stewart discovered that exposing a fetus to a single diagnostic X-ray doubles the risk of an early death from cancer."
Picture.(not on web). AliceStewart.gif
Interview with Alice Stewart ......
And, the other side .... LNT = No Linear Threshold hypothesis ...
And, the other side for a lot of science ....
Genetics 1995 141: 1-5.
Overview...... kindsofchromosomes.htm
mitotic chromosomes.... ExampleMitotic.gif
pachytene chromosomes.... ExamplePachytene.gif
polytene chromosomes.... ExamplePolytene.GIF
more polytene chromosomes... polytenes.gif
advantages and disadvantages of each type of chromosome?
The human geneticist is usually limited to an analysis of mitotic chromosomes. Why?
For more detailed account see...Heterochromatin.GIF
mitotic banding...
Centromeric heterochromatin . C-banding.gif
to see this picture on your computer check out: Univ Washington Pathology ...a beautiful Web site on chromosome banding
change may be within or between chromosomes
change within chromosomes may be homozygous or heterozygous
peculiar structures may be seen in heterozygotes for paired chroms.
IMPORTANT: Paired chromosomes are best for detection of chromosome mutations
..... KindsChromMutations.GIF
animations of the 6 structural mutations
Duplication.... deletion.GIF
Deletion...... Duplication2.gif
Paracentric inversion..... ParaInversion.gif
Pericentric inversion.... PeriInversion.gif
Reciprocal translocation.... RecipTransloc.gif
Robertsonian translocation.... Robertsonian.gif
acentric fragment is lost
model:... deletion1.GIF
A cat cry family... cry karyotype (not on web) CriDuChat.gif
"Cri-du-chat syndrome was first described by Lejeune et al. (1963) as a hereditary congenital syndrome associated with deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5. The deletions can vary in size from extremely small and involving only band 5p15.2 to the entire short arm. Although the majority of deletions arise as new mutations, approximately 12% result from unbalanced segregation of translocations or recombination involving a pericentric inversion in one of the parents." "The cri-du-chat syndrome appears to be one of the most common human deletion syndromes, with an incidence varying between 1 in 20,000 to 1 in 50,000 births (Niebuhr, 1978). The frequency in populations of profoundly retarded patients (IQ less than 20) is approximately 1% (Niebuhr, 1978)." Ref: OMIM
General model:.... duplication.GIF
Duplication and Deletion via unequal crossing over ... UnequalXover.gif
Unequal crossing over in Drosophila
Bar eye model unequal x-over
Bar eye polytenes... Fig 21.5
as a source of new genes
paracentric inversion (centromere not within inverted segment)
genotypes ....ParaInversion2.GIF
crossover in loop
If a crossover occurs in the loop, the crossover products will not be recovered in the test cross progeny. It is as if crossovers were suppressed. Are they really suppressed?
complete chapter 21, start on chapter 8
Discussion of chromosome mutation table should be completed this week in recitation.
There may be some additional items given in recitation.
The importance of knowing about these mutations is evident from the current issue of the journal Nature
Mulley, J. and P. Holland (2004). "Comparative genomics: small genome, big insights." Nature 431(7011): 916-7.
Jaillon, O., J. M. Aury, et al. (2004). "Genome duplication in the teleost fish Tetraodon nigroviridis reveals the early vertebrate proto-karyotype." Nature 431(7011): 946-57.
And, in the same issue of Nature, another completion of the human genome project
Stein, L. D. (2004). "Human genome: end of the beginning." Nature 431(7011): 915-6.
And, it is good to know about Barbara McClintock, the geneticist who worked out the details of a lot of the chromosome mutations and later revolutionized modern genetics.
picture .... ../../Photos%20Genetics%20People/McClintock%20Feeling%20cover.jpg
also, the idea of the bridge, breakage, fusion cycle and the importance of the telomere.
Effect of crossover within loop Fig 21.7
bridge and fragment... A simple animation of bridge and fragment.
GIF movie.... InversionClay.gif
C of ClB is not true crossover suppression, but the lack of recombination in male Drosophila certainly is crossover suppression.
complete paracentric inversion story
if x-over in loop
at anaphase-I: bridge and fragment configuration
from the may apple .......podo6.jpeg and podo7.jpeg and podo8.jpeg and podo9.jpeg
at end of meiosis:
from the may apple....... podo9a.JPG
pericentric inversion (centromere within inverted segment)
model ........PeriInversion1.GIF
genotypes (note shift of centromere) ....PeriInversion2.GIF
results of crossover in loop (not on web) .......21.8
models for reciprocal translocation (not showing 4-strandedness; also not showing chiasmata)
1a.Derivation of translocations animation
1b. Genotypes.... TranslocationMode0l.GIF
2. Pairing into quadrivalent at pachytene
3. Adjacent and alternate segregation (metaphase-I)
Animation adjacent .. TransAdjacent.gif
Animation alternate .. TransAlternate.gif
4. Adjacent segregation (metaphase-I)
5. Adjacent and to poles (anaphase-I)
6. Adjacent at end of ana-I
7. Alternate segregation (metaphase-I)
8. .Alternate to poles (anaphase-I)
9. Alternate at end of ana-I
10. Adjacent segregation, metaphase-I
11. Alternate, metaphase-I
review ........Fig 21.10
Pictures.... podo13a.JPG
zig-zag best with pop beads
example of balanced translocation .. Balanced Translocation 1-15 (not on web)
translocation heterozygote problems
Importance of spindle fiber arrangement and chiasmata
animation of alternate segregation.. TransAnimation.gif
translocation causes production of a novel enzyme: Brc-Abl; a tyrosine kinase, responsible for uncontrolled mitosis
"STI571 was the best at killing cells that had Bcr-Abl"
OMIM # 189980: "The t(9;22) translocation occurs in greater than 90% of chronic myelogeneous leukemia, 25 to 30% of adult and 2 to 10% of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL; see 159555), and rare cases of acute myelogenous leukemia. The translocation results in the head-to-tail fusion of the BCR (151410) and ABL genes (Chissoe et al., 1995)."
Abl = Abeldon murine leukemia viral oncogene OMIM #189980
euchromatin and heterochromatin
simple statement: during interphase euchromatin is diffuse and lightly stained; during interphase heterochromatin is tightly coiled and stains darkly.
For more detailed account see...Heterochromatin.GIF
see text, Fig 21.16
1. Models for formation
animated ... Robertsonian.gif
static ....Robertsonian1.GIF
1a. The genotypes
2. The chromosomes and pairing
3. Normal and abnormal distribution of chromosomes
21-21 Robertsonian translocation.(not on web). Robertsonian21-21.gif
On the web see
15 October 1999 issue of Science; Comparative Genomics Mammalian Radiations Genome Maps 10
autoploidy (one species)
autotetraploidy via colchicine
origin model.... colchicine.GIF
may be fertile or sterile, related to pairing, species variation
triploidy via double fertilization
karyotype.(not on web).. Triploidy.gif
Details of euploidy (not for any exam) .. detailseuploidy.htm
alloploidy (more than one species)
allotetraploidy (2n + 2n, two species)
Karpechenko, Vavilov, Dobzhanksy photo... Karpechenko.GIF..not on web
Karpechenko sequence (not on web, see below)..... ../Karpechenko.html
Karpechenko1.gif; Karpechenko2.gif; Karpechenko3.gif
hexaploid wheat (see text)
normal and abnormal disjunction (see movie page)
idea of two by two chromosome pairing in meiosis
first division...
second division.
Turner Syndrome (XO).
Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY)
Down Syndrome (trisomic 21).
somatic nondisjunction
in formation of a mosaic..
gynandromorph - sexual mosaic, male in portions, female in others
Mulley - Holland picture (not on web)--- ../../Other%20Graphics/Mulley-Holland.gif
my rendition of this ..... ../VertebrateEvolution.gif
Mulley, J. and P. Holland (2004). "Comparative genomics: small genome, big insights." Nature 431(7011): 916-7.
the idea: chromosome doubling has occurred in vertebrate evolution; after the duplication there was a loss of genetic material
Again, this is not new. This was the proposal of Susumu Ohno based on rough estimates of DNA content in various species.