Day  Two:

Stop 7: Shore Acres State Park

Beautiful tilted strata with a nice angular unconformity (see picture to right). 

We walked out onto the upper platform

Melissa contributed this picture of herself.

There were iron-cemented concretions and odd weathering patterns in the rock

The weathering made the landscape look like something out of a science fiction movie

The rocks are layers of sandstone and shale, which breaks easily into flat pieces

The sandstone showed laminar bedding, cross- bedding, and as shown above, convoluted bedding (soft-sediment deformation)

As seen in this artistically framed photo from Cami Idzerda, there is iron staining along fractures in the sedimentary rock layers.

As seen in this phot from Melissa Riopel, there are fossil worm burrows in the sandstone
When we were through scrambling on the rocks, we ate lunch and then wandered through the oh so formal gardens at Shore Acres.  Photo from Melissa Riopel.

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