Track/Channel Mapping




How to get there

Choose Open from the File Menu, and click MIDI File. Double-click the name of a MIDI file you want transcribed. In the Import MIDI File Options dialog box, click the Set Track-to-Staff List radio button. In the Track/Channel Mapping for Staves dialog box, click the topmost unassigned row of track information.

What it does

This dialog box offers you a great deal of control over the way in which your sequencer-file tracks are transformed into Finale staves.

For example, you can tell Finale to create up to eight staves out of a single sequencer track. You can also tell Finale to create one Finale staff from up to four sequencer tracks—to transcribe several woodwind tracks onto a single staff, for example.

Furthermore, you can create four staves from four tracks, but without necessarily having a track-to-staff correspondence; for example, you can tell Finale to treat the notes in all four tracks as if they came from a single track, and then to split them into Finale staves by register—the highest notes into one staff, and so on.

This dialog box also lets you specify the staff name, clef, transposition, and spacing of each resultant Finale staff. You can also select a Percussion Map which adjusts the percussion notehead, placement and alternate playback.

To create a single staff from a single track, enter the track’s number and the MIDI channel from which it was recorded in one pair of the Track/Channel boxes. Note: You normally don’t have to enter anything in the MIDI Channel text box (the second text box of each pair). Enter a MIDI channel value only if you want to specify that a single MIDI channel’s data be transcribed from a track containing music recorded from several MIDI channels.

Next, enter a staff name, transposition, clef, and so on. Of the Split options, leave None selected—otherwise, you’ll transcribe the selected track onto more than one staff.

To create a single staff from multiple sequencer tracks, enter up to four track/MIDI channel number pairings in the text boxes. (Note again that you can leave the MIDI Channel boxes blank—or enter zero—if each track was only recorded from a single channel, or if it’s OK for Finale to notate the contents of all channels in the track onto one Finale staff.) Once again, enter a staff name, and leave the None radio button selected—or, if you want to include on the resultant staff only the notes within certain pitch ranges, click Filter (see below).

To create several staves from either a single sequencer track or several tracks, enter the track and channel numbers in the text boxes, as before. This time, however, you must specify one of the Split options (see below). As far as Finale is concerned, the music on all the tracks you’ve specified in the text boxes are part of a single "source" track, which you can then split, by register, into as many as eight staves.

This dialog box works in much the same way as the Explode Music command in the Utilities Menu, letting you specify the number of resultant staves as well as the Overload Order. For a more complete discussion, see Multiple Splits dialog box.

Enter the number in each Clef text box corresponding to the clef you want to designate as the starting clef for the resultant Finale staff. You can also click Select to choose from a graphic of each available clef.

See Also:

Fixed Split

Multiple Splits

Hand Width Split

Filter Channels

Import MIDI File Options

Track/Channel Mapping to Staves

