Import MIDI File Options



How to get there

Choose Import MIDI File Options from the MIDI/Audio Menu. The Import MIDI File Options dialog box appears.


Choose Open from the File Menu and click MIDI file (from the File Type popup list).(or click the file-type icon until MIDI File is selected). Double-click the name of the MIDI file you want to transcribe.

What it does

When you tell Finale to "open" a MIDI file, you’re essentially telling it to transcribe the file. The options in this dialog box are very similar to those you encounter when you’re transcribing real-time performances in a Finale document quantization and split point options, key and time signature settings, and commands to "capture" MIDI data (such as pedaling and key velocity information).

You also use this dialog box to tell Finale how you want the tracks of the sequencer file translated into Finale staves. For example, you can specify that each track simply become one staff, or that the contents of each MIDI channel become one staff. However, you can also enter other dialog boxes from within this one, where you can specify much more elaborate track-to-staff configurations.

Follow your sequencer’s instructions for creating a standard MIDI file.

Technical note: Finale selects a clef as follows. If all the notes of the track are above MIDI key number 47 (that’s B a ninth below middle C), it selects the treble clef. If all notes are below key 72 (C above middle C), it selects the bass clef. If the notes in the track don’t fall into either category, Finale transcribes them onto two staves, splitting them into treble- and bass-clef staves using F below middle C as a split point.

See Also:

Track/Channel Mapping

Track/Channel Mapping to Staves

Quantization Settings

