Ethical Issues and Social Responsibility


Students will expand their understanding of the impact and value of individuals and their choices on society, both intellectually and socially, through group projects and collaboration in learning communities.


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Text Box: Assignment that demonstrates my work towards the goal of Ethical and Social responsibility
This assignment demonstrates my work towards ethical and social responsibility because I expanded my understanding 
of the impact and value of individuals and their choices on society.  Learning about a society that I knew nothing about, 
really helped me to broaden my view of the world and learn now different cultures work.  
Assignments original instructions










Q: What are some of the ethical issues at stake in the work of design? How do you see the role of the designer in addressing the ethical issues? What ethical issues do you feel you have a new or different understanding of? How has your sense of what accountability means changed in response to being part of project-based group work? What have you learned about being accountable or holding others accountable in class and in life at large?


A: The ethical issues at stake in the world of design include limiting products availability and usability to people who can adore them and people who are fully able.  It seems in today’s society designers take the universal design principals as a suggestion rather then a guideline.  Designers market their product to the largest buying group and forget the rest.  If I were a designer I would make sure that products were more user friendly or offer assistance in using the product.   

The term provided a large lesson in being accountable and or holding others accountable in both the class and in life at large. Working in selected groups has allowed me to understand that all my actions are somehow not only accountable for myself but also for everyone in my group.  Working in groups is particular hard because I always want to do the major of the project and leave the smaller tasks to the other individuals.  The new term has provided me with the insight that being on a team is about breaking up the tasks equally and giving everyone a chance to show their own work.  Last term was all about me finishing the work because the group members would “forget” to show up or did not take any interest in the project.  The new term brought about insight that everyone should be held accountable for their actions and what they contribute to not only in the classroom setting but also the world in general.

My sense of what accountability means, changed my response to being part of a project-based group work.  I always show up and have my work done for the allotted meeting.  This term I also wanted to make sure people around me were able to learn this responsibility.  The impact of one will affect many.  Having everyone working in the group allows for a better understanding and a positive environment instead of a group that can’t stand to work together.