
The city of Sevilla (Seville) in southern Spain is quite different from the crowds of Barcelona. Here real Spanish is spoken (finally!), and the atmosphere seems more relaxed.

The old quarter of Sevilla is called Santa Cruz, fitting for our group. We found lots of narrow streets and colorful people in this section. Here we enjoy the Spanish snack called tapas.

In the afternoon we cruised on the river Guadalquivir and enjoyed the sights of the city. While Barcelona was hosting the 1992 Olympics, Sevilla was busy with the World Expo that same year. (Coincidence? Probably not.) For this they constructed many new buildings and structures. Shown here, from the boat, is a bridge with a support structure unlike any other I have seen.

In the evening we were treated to a flamenco dance. Here both men and women boldly dance and sing in the colorful costumes of southern Spain.

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Last updated 7 August 2001. Comments?