
After four days in Madrid, we said goodbye to the Cabrillo tour, rented a car, and drove to Portugal. Here we again experienced warm and friendly people, incredible seafood, and developed quite a taste for Port wine. However, we were back to dealing with an incomprehensible language! Portuguese is also very difficult to pronounce compared to Spanish, and even harder to understand. We got by with a combination of English, Spanish, and extreme body gestures.

This is an overview of Lisbon from a hilltop castle near downtown. In the background is the bay leading to the Atlantic Ocean, along with the April 25th Bridge. This bridge was built in the 1970's to commemorate Portuguese independence, and was modeled after the Golden Gate Bridge. It is indeed a beautiful bridge, but it's on- and off-ramps are not designed very well.

This is a small castle just outside of Lisbon. It also lies on the bay which leads to the Atlantic. It is said that this was the last stopping point for Vasco de Gama as he set off to discover the New World.

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Last updated 7 August 2001. Comments?