Communication had a large role in this term of Design and Society through media. The media used most in the course of Design and Society is written. Weekly, at least 2 essays or logs were due. Another common use of media was the computer. While using the computer we worked with programs such as Google Sketchup to create houses, Robotech for the programming of our Lego machines, the internet for surveys during mentor session, and Microsoft Front Page when we worked on our web site portfolios. Using such a variety changed my sense of ability to communicate in so many ways. This was a great opportunity to become familiar with so many types of media and ways to communicate. After this term I believe my writing skills have greatly improved. I believe strongly in practicing to prefect my ability to do things. Since I’ve been writing so much throughout this course I believe that the requirements and standards of this writing level have forced me to greatly improve. The area of communication that I would like to continue to improve on is definitely writing. Now that technology is improving at a rapid rate soon most communication will be done through e-mail. Not only will it be helpful for technology but in any work environment technical writing will always be a necessity.