Peer-Reviewed Research Articles
Policy Articles
Invited Talks and Presentations
- "Cancelled for Defending Colonialism," Triggernometry (October 2020)
- "The Case for Colonialism," Jerm Warfare (October 2020)
- "The Case for German Colonialism," Presentation to Afd faction, German Bundestag, 11 December 2019.Press Coverage. Photos 1 and 2 and 3. WSJ oped
- "The 3-Minute Case for Colonialism." Video
- “The Case for Freethinkers with Dr. Bruce Gilley,” NAS Curriculum Vitae podcast (January 2019)
- "The Case for Colonialism: A Lecture", Texas Tech University (November 2018) Video, Video with debate, Faculty protest letter, Office of President capitulation, News Article
- "What's At Stake in the Debate on Colonialism?", Times event on "The Legacy of the British Empire", London (May 2018). Photo
- "'The Case for Colonialism': A Colloquium", McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics, and Public Life, University of Oxford (May 2018)
The Debate on Colonialism
- Gertjan van Schoonhoven, "The Good Side of Colonialism: An Interview with Bruce Gilley," Elsevier Weekblad (Netherlands, in Dutch with English translation), Also online. 3 March 2018
- Tom Young, "The Gilley Debate", Journal of Modern African Studies (2019)
- Melissa Chen, "Why Post-Colonial Theory is Not Helping Hong Kong," Aero Magazine (2019)
- Folasade Lamikanra, "Dare we make a case for colonialism?", Conatus News (October 2017)
- S.G. Cheah, "The Case for British Colonialism in Malaya" (February 2018)
- Neil Thin, "Colonialism, appreciative history, and the trials of academic heterodoxy", Happiness Lens Blog (October 2017)
- Lawrence James, "Empires have done good and we must feel free to say so", Times (December 2017)
- "'The Case for Colonialism' and the Closing of the Academic Mind," Canadian Lone Wolf (September 2017)
- Nigel Biggar, "Don't feel guilty about our colonial history", Times (November 2017)
- Joy Zhu, "Colonialism was Hong Kong's exit", Jabobite Magazine (September 2017)
- Pan Huasheng, "The Civilization of Colonialism", China Times (September 2017)
- Mukui Waruiru, "An Black African Historian Defends Prof. Gilley" (October 2017)
- Oliver Traldi, "The Case for Contrarianism", Quillette (October 2017)
- Jules Gomes, "The not-so-evil empire strikes back", Conservative Woman (January 2018)
- Montana Sarel Myburgh, "Stop Blaming Colonialism," Pretoria News (2013)
- Sam Akaki, "What Did Britain Ever Do for Uganda? Everything," New Vision (Uganda) (April 2016)
- Sam Akaki, "Corbyn Is Wrong About the Evils of the British Empire," The Spectator (November 2019)
- Tendai Ruben Mbofana, "At Times, I Really Wish Zimbabwe Was a Colony Again!", The Zimbabwean, October 21, 2021.
Academic Freedom to Conduct Research on Colonialism
- Alaric Searle, "Can the Academy Still Debate 'Colonialism'," Yerepouni News (February 2023)
- Wanjiru Njoya, "Anti-colonial Diktat" (March 2021)
- Ben Macintyre, "Why a provocative academic is challenging orthodoxies about the evils of empire: Saturday interview with Bruce Gilley," Times (May 2018)
- Robert R., "Third World Quarterly Publishes 'The Case for Colonialism' Leading to Calls for Censorship," Legal Insurrection (September 2017)
- Rhoda Howard-Hassmann, "Uncomfortable Questions: The Bruce Gilley Scandal," Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship (April 2020)
- Video Interview, Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, Texas Tech University, Institute Encounters (November 2018)
- Noah Carl, "How to Write an Academic Petition," Medium (September 2019)
- Sumantra Maitra, "Campus Repression is So Bad that Academics are Now Holding Conferences in Secret", The Federalist (June 2018)
- Sumantra Maitra, "An Interview With Nigel Biggar" (June 2018)
- Camilla Turner, "Oxford professor's colonialism conference held in private for fear of disruption from activists", Daily Telegraph (December 2018)
- Letter on academic freedom, Times (December 2017)
- Geoffrey Alderman, "Academic Freedom is now being betrayed by academics", Spectator (October 2017)
- Peter Wood, "The article that made 16,000 ideologues go wild", Minding the Campus (November 2017)
- Joanna Williams, "The Censorious Left's Latest Mania: 'Decolonizing' Everything", The American Conservative (February 2018)
- Niall McCrae, "Lefties rage at academic
who dares to stand up for the Empire", Conservative Woman (October 2017)
- Christie Blatchford, "Queen's Joins the Academic Bullies", Financial Post (Canada) (March 2018)
- Sarina Grewal, "Former Queen's Professor Accuses CIDP of Censorship", Queen's University Journal (March 2018)
The AAUP fatwā for unWoke Research
The PSU "Diversity" Investigation
1) Student complaints about "The Case for Colonialism" 1 2 3
2) The official "diversity investigation" begins: 4
3) My responses: 5 6 7
4) The final report and "training" punishment: 8 9
- Frederick Hess and Grant Addison, "Bruce Gilley's Orwellian Campus Nightmare", National Review (March 2018)
- Vimal Patel, "Last year this scholar defended colonialism; now he's defending himself", Chronicle of Higher Education (March 2018)
- Andrew Downs and Justin Brecht, "Portland State investigation puts academic freedom on ice", Oregon Live (April 2018)
- Mike McInally, "PSU Affair Raises Questions of Academic Freedom", Albany Democrat-Herald (April 2018)
- Drew van Voorhis, "Professor investigated after writing pro-colonialism article cleared", The College Fix (June 2018)
The PSU Political Science "Gilley Controversy" Policy
- Documents:
1) A secret report is commissioned on Professor Gilley's "controversial writings" and "extramural outrages"
2) A secret faculty meeting is held to discuss the secret report on Dr. Gilley
3) The faculty passes new rules to punish and condemn faculty whose research causes "controversy" or "negative reactions"
- Jay Schalin, "We Need to Talk About Bruce," James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal (October 2020)
Lexington Books' Cancellation of "Problems of Anti-Colonialism" and The Last Imperialist
- The book series description
- The original book series proposal
- The protest petition and signatories
- The counter-protest petition and final count
- Lexington's series cancellation letter
- Bruce Gilley, "The Cancel Mob Comes Back for More," Wall Street Journal (October 2020) Lyons letter and Gilley response
- Letter to Lexington from Professor Andrew Nathan (Columbia University); Follow-up letter from Dr. Nathan
- Letter to Lexington from Professor Tirthankar Roy (London School of Economics)
- Letter to Lexington from Professor Rhoda Howard-Hassmann (Wilfred Laurier University)
- Mark Bridge, "Empire Book Cancelled After Petition," The Times (October 2020)
- Chris Kendall, "An Outspoken Scholar Gets Canceled, Again, but He’s Not Giving Up," National Review (October 2020)
- Jennifer Kabbany, "They keep trying to cancel this conservative professor. He refuses to back down," The College Fix (October 2020)
- Noah Carl, "Bruce Gilley vs. Cancel Culture," Quillette (October 2020)

"I assign your article 'The Case for Colonialism' along with Orwell's 'Shooting an Elephant' in order for my students to discuss the topic of colonialism more widely. My students very much enjoy the opportunity to debate your article and each other. I've never seen a classroom become more alive with ideas and the desire to voice opinions than when they discuss your ideas--especially your 'preposterous idea' at the end of the article." -- Dr. Michael Stachura, Professor of English, Douglas College
"I am an academic in permanent recovery from the savagery and unending petrifying trauma of that most human barbarism- colonialism. Your article gives credence to the theory that defenders of the most treacherous crime against humanity-colonialism, reside and flourish in the academy." -- Dr. Emeka Nwadiora, Associate Professor of Law, Ethics & Human Behavior, Temple University
Sir Alan Burns, Governor of the Gold Coast, with customs service, 1946.
