Grading standards and comparison of scoring guides and A-F / 4-point grading. The major activities of the course are assessed according to the 6-point scoring guide system used in many standards-based educational systems.
Main Course Description (.doc, 156K) Five-page presentation: staffing, materials, calendar, goals, testing & grading, preliminary syllabus, and first assignment. Read this the first quarter you enter first-year German.
Course Description supplements for GER 102 and GER 103 (.pdf). Preliminary syllabus, specific course goals, and information about changes from the previous quarters. Information will be that of the year before.
Intake Assignment 1 for GER 101 or GER 102/103. Outline for email message to instructor, with special section for new students. Everyone does this every quarter.
Intake Assignment 2 is a questionnaire that checks whether you know how your materials are organized, and what you think about the components of a language-learning program. With the questionnaire is the scoring guide for the assignment, which you can use as a set of standards to aim at in order to get the score and grade you would like. Do this the first quarter you take first-year German at PSU, or if you are returning to first-year German at PSU and have not been in the program since 2002.
Intake Assignment 3 is a self-evaluation of your own proficiency in speaking and writing. Everyone does this every quarter at about the third week.
Generic scoring guide (.pdf, 97KB) Can be used to score the entire range of activities in the course, and also to rate your current performance level; often there will be customized scoring guides.
Scoring guide for reading dialogs out loud (.pdf, 8KB). Will be used on oral tests where dialogs are checked. Can also be used for self-evaluation.
Study Advice and Checklist for Completing a Kontext Unit (.pdf, 28KB) This is advice about what to do for any Kontext. The Basic Assignment for each Kontext has a completion checklist that is specific to each Kontext.
"Ich beginne jetzt Kontext [X], und…" (.pdf, 68KB). Specifications and Scoring Guide for a writing activity where you email your instructor about starting up a new Kontext and also add your own personal content. May not be required in all sections.