Meeting # & Date
Outline of meeting
Week 1: Who are we, what is 'CBI', and what are we going to do? |
#01 • 03 April
(link leads to meeting outline)
Course introduction; people; what IS 'CBI' and how are we going to approach it? Special situation: maintaining SpeakEasy; tools of the language-pedagogy trade (standards, main types of method, organization & publications). Main CBI texts & other resources. Intake assignment: reflection about CBI in your own language-learning experience.
#02 • 05 April
leftovers from previous meeting; further examples of CBI; outline main course activities and opportunities; SpeakEasy: the CBI perspective; the maintenance activities; the Humboldt Project
preparation for next meetings - try to get a solid start on this:
1) You should be reading one or both of the main books (Stryker/Leaver, Kasper) at the rate of one chapter a week, in the order they appear in the books. Don't be surprised if they come up in class.
2) Fukushima, "Promotional Video in a Foreign Language Course" (#0175)
3) ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines (#0930) - this should be review reading, not new; 4) Subject-area standards for exiting high-schoolers in the state of Oregon (#0691 Second Languages; #0693 Visual & Performing Arts; #0694 English; #0695 Mathematics; #0696 Science; #0697 Social Science)
4) Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century (#0001, "5 C's")
Samples of reflections about Levine and Scheutz/ Colangelo: see document #0706
Things we'll aim to cover during next week or two: standards for other subject areas; case studies from Stryker/Leaver, Kasper, journals; maybe: closeup on a single subject area (math?); learning styles & strategies
Week 2: More "what is 'CBI'?". Other examples of CBI; start of first learning activity; content-area Standards & Lesson Plans |
#03 • 10 April
discussion of week 1's reading; defining CBI (refining the definition); (next week: the "Humboldt Project";) proficiency guidelines and subject-area content / performance standards
preparation for next several meetings:
1) Subject-area standards for exiting high-schoolers in the state of Oregon (#0691 Second Languages; #0693 Visual & Performing Arts; #0694 English; #0695 Mathematics; #0696 Science; #0697 Social Science 2) At least one of these three: #0082 about science teaching for minorities (including other languages); #0725 about teaching history about rice cultivation in the SE US, including documents in other languages; #0275 basic pedagogy of science teaching.
#04 • 12 April
Review of previous meeting, since many were absent. SpeakEasy Maintenance, for its own sake and as example of CBI pedagogy.
preparation for next several meetings (#5-):
recommend from Stryker/Leaver: chapter 3 Italian (novice, intermediate); chapter 4 (Czech becomes Croatian and Serbian, novice [??])
1) Portland Public Schools "Recommendations for the Second Language Minimum Performance Standards" (#0010a)
2) Lesson plans (#0434, 0435) and websites:
FREE - Federal Resources for Educational Excellence <> - not just lesson plans; also links to organizations, competitions, etc.
thirteen ed online - huge collection of lesson plans, projects, etc. <>
National Park Service - Wupatki National Monumen resources for teachers <>
The JASON Project (National Geographic Society) - curricular resources about great events and great explorers (5th-8th grades, but flexible <>
Curriki - Wiki for lesson plans <>
Enchanted Learning <>
On your disk there are lesson plans with second-language components: 0434, 0435, 0436.
Can people find lesson plan collections for other languages? Here's one for German: Unterrichtsmaterial & Arbeitsblätter <>
Background reading about overall directions in our profession: #0002, #0003
Week 3: Thinking through the first CBI project; more possibilities; where to get help (standards, lesson plans) |
#05 • 17 April
"Take stock" of the course and be sure everyone is along; debate: why (not) CBI - pluses and minuses; group starts to generate specifications for Projects 2 (extended CBI module) & 3 ("Big Idea" for an entire CBI course); first steps in math CBI project 1 as group activity; sample lesson plans (see links immediately above);
preparation for next meetings: lesson plans (see above); also disk 0712 for a close look at an entire CBI course: 300-level German & hydraulic engineering; about Team-Based Learning: at least disk resources 0164 and 0191, if possible also 0192, 0193, 0431
#06 • 19 April
More discussion of the group "hypothetical" math project (#1 level), Projects 2 & 3, and a "hypothetical" project 2 or 3. Team-Based Learning. The Humboldt Project.
Week 4: wrapping up Project 1 OR the detailed outline for Project 2 or 3; thinking toward the next CBI project; the sub-structure of standards and thematic units |
preparation for next meetings:
#07 • 24 April
continue developing project ideas; Humboldt Project; lesson plans;
preparation for next meeting:
#08 • 26 April
reports about projects; suggestions for topics for rest of course; Humboldt Project; lessonplans; if not today, then soon: PPS language standards; networking; school outreach; grants
Week 5: More about more projects; team-based learning and other CBI-related practices; maybe: grants; assessments
preparation for next meetings:
#09 • 1 May
outlining the 2/3 projects & their purposes; general discussion topic: Team-Based Instruction/Learning
preparation for next meeting:
• Look at grant possibilities, using the Humboldt Project site, the PSU CAE resource site, and the PSU Academic Affairs Faculty Development Funding page.
5) Start reading either 0712,"A Problem-Based Learning Approach to Integrating Foreign Language into Engineering", or 0725, "Landscapes of technology Transfer: Rice Cultivation and African Continuities". These articles will (0712) help you avoid over-estimating your learners and (0725) show you a large-scale possibility for CBI, with special relevance to minority and disadvantaged learners (see also 0082, "Discovering Science and Technology through American History".
#10 • 3 May
How about a discussion and some research about where/how to sell a CBI course, other than in a WLL dept.?
Week 6: More about more projects; learner & teacher attitudes; examples of CBI; assessment; grants |
preparation for next meeting: Proposed next major topic of general discussion: styles, strategies, motivation (students, mostly, but maybe also teachers). Suitable readings from your disk: 0319 (read this one if nothing else); 0633; 0634; 0648 (maybe - it's from 1983, and it's about business students' attitudes toward languages);
#11 • 08 May
project discussions; learner motivations, styles, strategies; the modest proposal; little outside grants
preparation for next meeting:
#12 • 10 May
Week 7: More about more projects; learner & teacher attitudes; examples of CBI; assessment; grants |
preparation for next meeting: German & physics combine to produce an environmentalism course (0785 and handout from meeting #11, 4 May);
#13 • 15 May
projects: status reports; attitudes; assessment
#14 • 17 May
projects: status reports; assessment; the culminating event
upcoming reading: course-size ideas (rice cultivation); portfolios; ••lessons from immersion programs (0094);
Proposed next major topic of general discussion: specific examples of CBI; suitable reading: 0176 Lear, "Spanish for Working Medical Professionals"; 0356 Bueno, "Creating Community…A Content-Based Approach" (art & film); 0436 Armengol, "Developing the Language of Mathematics"
Week 8: More about the projects; special presentations; thematic units; further examples |
#15 • 22 May
Project reports; example for Humboldt SINQ; assessment (portfolios, larger outcomes); update on CBI grant discussion
#16 • 24 May
Project reports; adding languages (CBI or otherwise) to existing curriculum; large-scale curricular and assessment standards; update on CBI grant discussion
Week 9: More about the projects; special presentations; |
#17 • 29 May
#18 • 31 May
••Spanish for veterinarians; lessons from immersion;
Week 10: CBI and various subject areas; checking projects against main CBI principles; developing the Big Event; perspectives on professional development |
#19 • 05 June
reading: 0070 Olsen, "A Plea to Graduate Departments"; 0056 "Reaching for PASS: Proficiencies, Indicators, Experiences, Assessment"
#20 • 07 June
Finals Week
Big Event