Meeting 06 •19 April 2012 • Thursday


People (√ = present; strikeout = absent; e+strikeout = excused absence): √Fischer; Chapman; √Choate; √Couture; √Hinsinger; √Hunter; √Idrissi; √Looney; √Moore


(X') = anticipated time in minutes (to total 100 minutes + 10-minute break)
(0001) etc.=item in document collection (will be explained in class)
Key to notes added AFTER the class meets:
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic was begun but needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out - will be taken up later
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but is not going to be taken up after all
Italic green text like this = comments after the meeting

Week 1: Main Topic(s): Introduction to the Course, of course; our group; What is 'CBI'? Adjusting this year's version to SpeakEasy

scoring guide for the course; the "Humboldt Project", the Humboldt SINQ course (winter 20102), and its earlier versions, FLL 399 (2006W) and GER 427/527 (2006F); also my PSU 19th Century Cluster SINQ presentation about the Humboldt Project (October 2008);
Project work samples (on your disk): #1 - 0706, 736; #2 - 0707, 737; #3 - 708, 738
examples of actual activities (travel programs, etc.) to which a CBI-trained language teacher could add a language-learning module: 716, 718
examples of other courses and projects elsewhere: the "Big Book" activity for middle-schooler FLES (#0407); new efforts to teach reading better in PPS (#0796); a college course that combines third-year German with hydraulic engineering (0712)
Project 1: a single CBI lesson

(5') SmallTalk - Here's the list of plus/minus aspects of CBI that we generated last meeting - any additions?


(20') group starts to generate specifications for Projects 2 (extended CBI module) & 3 ("Big Idea" for an entire CBI course); Example to help focus discussion: Which project, and at which language level, would be taking over the WLL calendar with its recipes?


(30') Project 1 as group effort, with math as the content; sub-areas might be: a) geometry (basic shapes, equality, inequality); b) ethnomathematics; c) statistics. An early step will be a closer look at math standards. Then focus on (a) geometry, arithmetic, and the "Pizza Lesson": outline & questions for the discussion

(10') Break: Go get your coffee or your snack. Maybe think about CBI modules for baristas, like the first-year German student I had who was planning to transfer to a Starbuck's in Germany.


(20') The "Humboldt Project" - could include language modules.


(20') Sources of lesson plans - see "schedule" page; here's an example for math, from Thirteen Ed Online; or how about an art contest for Endangered Species Day?


(10') upcoming: see section immediately below; if time: group drafts the scoring guide for the reflection

Upcoming class meeting(s) (#7 & 8 24 & 26 April 2012)

1) Continue Stryker/Leaver

2) Look at the work samples for projects from earlier years.

3) See "schedule" page for links to sources of lesson plans for various subject areas.

4) CBI is related to Team-Based Learning.

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.





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