The lists do NOT organize the aspects as directly horizontal contrasts - they are just lists. |
plus aspects
minus aspects
lack of authentic materials
rich in i + 1
failure to select authentic materials appropriately
easy to use same activity with various levels
can't standardize the learning process throughout
can standardize the learning process within smaller divisions
hard to assess with conventional tool
simulates real-world activities
most teachers not trained to do it
can involve native speakers who have specialized subject-area competence
expensive & cumbersome - all those props and supplies
students motivate more readily
publishers probably don't want to produce CBI textbooks
can create activities with a modular template
various stakeholders will gripe that there's not grammar / literature
can start with young learners
how relate to language requirements?
can help de-ghettoize second language programs
too specialized by topic - not all learners want to do the same topic
supports diversity, internationalization, interdisiplinary learning
group activities irritate many learners
produces better proficiency
introvert learners don't join in
supports different knowledges & strengths
added by WBF: negotiation of meaning