Meeting 04 •12 April 2012 • Thursday


People (√ = present; strikeout = absent): √Fischer; √Chapman; √Choate; √Couture; √Hinsinger; √Hunter; Idrissi; √Looney; √Moore


(X') = anticipated time in minutes (to total 100 minutes + 10-minute break)
(0001) etc.=item in document collection (will be explained in class)
Key to notes added AFTER the class meets:
√ = topic / activity that was adequately dealt with during the class
+ = topic was begun but needs more attention & will be resumed at next / subsequent meeting(s)
- = a topic / activity that was proposed but not carried out - will be taken up later
Struckthrough text like this = a topic / activity that was proposed but is not going to be taken up after all
Italic green text like this = comments after the meeting

Week 1: Main Topic(s): Introduction to the Course, of course; our group; What is 'CBI'? Adjusting this year's version to SpeakEasy

Chapter 1 of Stryker/Leaver (photocopy in first meeting, 0410b in course collection, for use until books arrive);
examples from my courses:
German 320 / 415 / 515 Business Simulation Course and its related "SpeakEasy Company Website"; also my presentation about "SpeakEasy" the March 2012 CIBER Conference (agenda);
the "Humboldt Project", the Humboldt SINQ course (winter 20102), and its earlier versions, FLL 399 (2006W) and GER 427/527 (2006F); also my PSU 19th Century Cluster SINQ presentation about the Humboldt Project (October 2008);
examples of other courses and projects elsewhere: Levine's second-year simulation courses (#0172, #0705); Ryan-Scheutz & Colangelo's beginner-level (!) drama production (#0019); the "Big Book" activity for middle-schooler FLES (#0407); Rice University's business Spanish course (#0793 archive version; direct link to the course); Culley Carson-Grefe's French business simulation coures at Austin Peay State University; new efforts to teach reading better in PPS (#0796)

(5') SmallTalk - How did you get into this language profession of ours?

(15') More about SpeakEasy, using the CIBER presentation: the long-term pedagogical foundations; the mistakes. What the current group is doing.

(15') What are the other areas of interest / expertise we might bring to CBI? Academic? Avocational? Life experience? Have you started thinking about using them in your course projects?

(10') Various CBI-like courses and activities: Spanish Business at Rice University (link above); the presentations at the CIBER Conference; if time (probably not): the Humboldt Project

(10') Break: Go get your coffee or your snack. Maybe think about CBI modules for baristas, like the first-year German student I had who was planning to transfer to a Starbuck's in Germany.


(20') We'll look at k-12 subject area standards (#0693-7) as a way to get a clear and detailed understanding of what those other disciplines try to do.


(20') The three projects for the course: What they will be, how to sequence them (1, 2, 3 or 2, 1, 3?). This is a preliminary discussion, but soon you should come up with some ideas. Example: The German Professor spends a week enriching the language of young opera singers in Astoria. Here is the link to the shortest of the projects: a single CBI lesson; the link to a demo I put together (about polar bears); and here is the link to the scoring guide for such projects. See also the project work samples in your CD collection.


(10') upcoming: see section immediately below; if time: group drafts the scoring guide for the reflection

Upcoming class meeting(s) (#5 17 April 2012 Tuesday)

1) Continue Stryker/Leaver

2) Think math as a CBI anchor - we're going to take the bull by the horns here. That will also give me a chance to talk about the Humboldt Project / SINQ.

3) See "schedule" page for links to sources of lesson plans for various subject areas.

4) Look over the assignment for the shortest of the three projects.

Upcoming assignment(s)

This section offers a PREVIEW, not activated assignments. Assignments are made, with announcement of their deadlines, both in class and on the "schedule" page.





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