Week 1: Main Topic(s): Introduction to the Course, of course; our group; What is 'CBI'? Adjusting this year's version to SpeakEasy |
Chapter 1 of Stryker/Leaver (photocopy in first meeting, 0410b in course collection, for use until books arrive);
examples from my courses:
German 320 / 415 / 515 Business Simulation Course and its related "SpeakEasy Company Website"; also my presentation about "SpeakEasy" the March 2012 CIBER Conference (agenda);
the "Humboldt Project", the Humboldt SINQ course (winter 20102), and its earlier versions, FLL 399 (2006W) and GER 427/527 (2006F); also my PSU 19th Century Cluster SINQ presentation about the Humboldt Project (October 2008); examples of other courses and projects elsewhere: Levine's second-year simulation courses (#0172, #0705); Ryan-Scheutz & Colangelo's beginner-level (!) drama production (#0019); the "Big Book" activity for middle-schooler FLES (#0407); Rice University's business Spanish course (#0793 archive version; direct link to the course); Culley Carson-Grefe's French business simulation coures at Austin Peay State University; new efforts to teach reading better in PPS (#0796)
(5') SmallTalk - How did you get into this language profession of ours?
(15') More about SpeakEasy, using the CIBER presentation: the long-term pedagogical foundations; the mistakes. What the current group is doing.
(15') What are the other areas of interest / expertise we might bring to CBI? Academic? Avocational? Life experience? Have you started thinking about using them in your course projects?
(10') Various CBI-like courses and activities: Spanish Business at Rice University (link above); the presentations at the CIBER Conference; if time (probably not): the Humboldt Project
(10') Break: Go get your coffee or your snack. Maybe think about CBI modules for baristas, like the first-year German student I had who was planning to transfer to a Starbuck's in Germany.
(20') We'll look at k-12 subject area standards (#0693-7) as a way to get a clear and detailed understanding of what those other disciplines try to do.
(20') The three projects for the course: What they will be, how to sequence them (1, 2, 3 or 2, 1, 3?). This is a preliminary discussion, but soon you should come up with some ideas. Example: The German Professor spends a week enriching the language of young opera singers in Astoria. Here is the link to the shortest of the projects: a single CBI lesson; the link to a demo I put together (about polar bears); and here is the link to the scoring guide for such projects. See also the project work samples in your CD collection.
(10') upcoming: see section immediately below; if time: group drafts the scoring guide for the reflection