Deutsch 302 • Wintersemester 2014
Sitzung Nr. 07 • 28.01. • Tagesordnung • assignment & deadlines

Vorige Sitzung: Vokabeln

paper - Papier (the fiber sheet)

paper - Aufsatz (essay), schriftliche Arbeit (written assignment)

Semesterarbeit - term paper

Forschung - research

Quelle - source (of information; also spring of water)

reichlich - rich(ly), abundant(ly)

echt - genuine; really? (younger generation)

wirklich - real; Really? (older generation and standard)

X und kein Ende - no end to X; X out the wazoo (but G not as vulgar as E)

Formular - form to fill out

Formula - Formel

equation - Gleichung

popular (adjective) - beliebt (well-liked)

popular (used in compounds to convey widespread/ mass) - Massen- / Volks-

last evening/night - gestern abend

insgesamt - in total, all together (quantities)

speech - Vortrag (systematic, objective presentation

speech - Rede (appealing to emotions, using rhetoric)

Vorlesung - lecture

pauken - cram for exam

Volkshochschule - community college (sort of)

reason (mental faculty ) - Vernunft

reason (cause) - Grund

the reason is/was - Der Grund dafür… (but more formal than E)

the reasons was that - Aus dem Grund, daß

Quatsch - nonsense, garbage (words or ideas)

Müll - garbage (kitchen)

Abfall - garbage (waste paper, etc.)

non-fiction/how-to reading = Sachbücher

story/storey (building) - Stock, Etage, Stockwerk

fiction - Belletristik (popular lit); Literatur (fiction of "lasting value" - but also include poetry and drama)

Roman - novel

Kurzgeschichte - short story

Jugendliteratur - young adult fiction

Schundliteratur - junk fiction

minority - Minderheit (of population, etc.); Minderjährigkeit (under age)

suspicious - mißtrauisch (skeptical of something); verdächtig (causing suspicion in others)

Unterlagen u. Grafiken [Zahlen in () beziehen sich auf meine Datenbanksammlung]


Fischer & Richardson, German Reference Grammar (PDF, free via this link)

Fischer & Richardson, German Pictorial Dictionary (PDF, free via this link)

Schlüsselwort/begriff des Tages / der Woche

Bürokratie, Ämter, Formulare

Formular- form (document)

Unterlage - supporting document

Auskunft - information

Blockschrift - print (not cursive)

Feld - field, blank

Teil - part

eingeben - enter (data)

ausfüllen - fill out

hinschreiben - write down

achten auf - pay attention to

beantworten - answer (takes direct object, like "Frage")

ausführlich - completely, in detail

nicht zutreffend - not applicable, NA

betr (betrifft) - re

Seite - page

Blatt - piece of paper, sheet

Rand - margin

unterschreiben - sign

Unterschrift - signature

beståtigen - confirm, affirm, testify

in/mit/unter Bezug auf - with regard/ reference to

Vorlage - submitted document; model document

einreichen - submit, turn in

sich beschweren - complain

annehmen - accept

ablehnen - deny, refuse, reject

Beschwerde - complaint

Anlage (Ö: Beilage) - attached document (printed)

Anhang - attachment (electronic)

angehängt - attached

Schwerpunkte (Zeichenerklärung)

•√ SmallTalk: Nach Wunsch, aber hoffentlich mit unseren Themen verbunden. Z.B., neueste Erfahrungen mit der Bürokratie (Universität? Geld? Staatsämtern? Geschäften?). Humor: MOOA statt MOOC

•√ Gespräch: Wie bekommt man den amerikanischen Führerschein? Wozu benutzt man ihn/den? Anekdoten; Beim DMV

•√ Wir lesen und besprechen einige bürokratische Fundsachen (Fahrscheine, Fahrkarten, usw.)

•N Nachholung einer vorigen Stunde: door-to-door (Vertreter; ins Haus; aber??); gullible (leichtgläubig). Vorschlag: Statt immer Vokabeln zu suchen, geben wir eher Beispiele / erzählen wir Geschichten

•N Practice for upcoming listening assignment: The famous Swiss "Allround-Entertainer" Vico Torriani tells about his early days: sound file; text

•N Übung: Wir erzählen Anekdoten über Schulung und frühe Arbeitserfahrung

•N Debriefing: How finding out about German schools might relate to occupational use of German; what vocabulary would be useful to derive from those sites?

•+ SpeakEasy-Sachen: Weiter zu den Kartenarten; Geldsachen (Papier usw; später: Geld/Kontoverwaltung

•N Debriefing: a) the "hands-on" and SpeakEasy parts of the course - regular activities, portfolio, grading; b) "tacit knowledge"; c) English conversation: 1) your job skills; 2) your business experience (or that of someone you know);

•N About learning resources for the course: See links above to Reference Grammar and Bildwörterbuch. Importance of expanding from dictionary and simple look-up to resources that offer more content (varieties in meaning; thematic presentation of clusters of vocabulary in embedding of vocabulary in contextual language)

•√ Musik/Literatur: "Die Sieben Todsünden", erster Teil: Faulheit (Text)

Wrap up: assignments for the week and preparation for next meeting - see below


Reminders of previous assignments (assignment & deadlines):

Due Tuesday, 14 January): Read the course description and write, in English, a reflection about: 1) how the course fits into your larger PAST study of German; 2) how it fits into what you want from your study of German. Keep it to 1 page (250 words). Your reading and reflection will be the basis of class discussion of those topics, in German, on Tuesday, as preparation for when you compose your own career-related documents in German.

Due Tuesday, 14 January): Was wollen Sie von Ihrem Studium / Ihrer Ausbildung?

Due Tuesday, 4 February: Schulung und frühe Arbeitserfahrung: Was getan, was gelernt?

Due Tuesday, 11 January: Transcribe and translate a broadcast segment about improving training of women in technical occupations

Vorbereitung auf die nächste(n) Stunde(n)

Explore issues of bureaucracy, practical law, dealing with personal problems by ••

Vorschau auf die nächste(n) Aufgabe(n) und Sitzung(en)

Reading (English) about educational standards, with a reflection in English about your own education in specific subject areas.
Reading about bureaucracy, loans, renting.