Deutsch 302 • Wintersemester 2014 Sitzung Nr. 07 • 28.01. • Tagesordnung • assignment & deadlines
Vorige Sitzung: Vokabeln |
paper - Papier (the fiber sheet)
paper - Aufsatz (essay), schriftliche Arbeit (written assignment)
Semesterarbeit - term paper
Forschung - research
Quelle - source (of information; also spring of water)
reichlich - rich(ly), abundant(ly)
echt - genuine; really? (younger generation)
wirklich - real; Really? (older generation and standard)
X und kein Ende - no end to X; X out the wazoo (but G not as vulgar as E)
Formular - form to fill out
Formula - Formel
equation - Gleichung
popular (adjective) - beliebt (well-liked)
popular (used in compounds to convey widespread/ mass) - Massen- / Volks-
last evening/night - gestern abend
insgesamt - in total, all together (quantities)
speech - Vortrag (systematic, objective presentation
speech - Rede (appealing to emotions, using rhetoric)
Vorlesung - lecture
pauken - cram for exam
Volkshochschule - community college (sort of)
reason (mental faculty ) - Vernunft
reason (cause) - Grund
the reason is/was - Der Grund dafür… (but more formal than E)
the reasons was that - Aus dem Grund, daß
Quatsch - nonsense, garbage (words or ideas)
Müll - garbage (kitchen)
Abfall - garbage (waste paper, etc.)
non-fiction/how-to reading = Sachbücher
story/storey (building) - Stock, Etage, Stockwerk
fiction - Belletristik (popular lit); Literatur (fiction of "lasting value" - but also include poetry and drama)
Roman - novel
Kurzgeschichte - short story
Jugendliteratur - young adult fiction
Schundliteratur - junk fiction
minority - Minderheit (of population, etc.); Minderjährigkeit (under age)
suspicious - mißtrauisch (skeptical of something); verdächtig (causing suspicion in others)
Unterlagen u. Grafiken [Zahlen in () beziehen sich auf meine Datenbanksammlung] |
Schlüsselwort/begriff des Tages / der Woche |
Bürokratie, Ämter, Formulare
Formular- form (document)
Unterlage - supporting document
Auskunft - information
Blockschrift - print (not cursive)
Feld - field, blank
Teil - part
eingeben - enter (data)
ausfüllen - fill out
hinschreiben - write down
achten auf - pay attention to
beantworten - answer (takes direct object, like "Frage")
ausführlich - completely, in detail
nicht zutreffend - not applicable, NA
betr (betrifft) - re
Seite - page
Blatt - piece of paper, sheet
Rand - margin
unterschreiben - sign
Unterschrift - signature
beståtigen - confirm, affirm, testify
in/mit/unter Bezug auf - with regard/ reference to
Vorlage - submitted document; model document
einreichen - submit, turn in
sich beschweren - complain
annehmen - accept
ablehnen - deny, refuse, reject
Beschwerde - complaint
Anlage (Ö: Beilage) - attached document (printed)
Anhang - attachment (electronic)
angehängt - attached
Schwerpunkte (Zeichenerklärung) |
•√ SmallTalk: Nach Wunsch, aber hoffentlich mit unseren Themen verbunden. Z.B., neueste Erfahrungen mit der Bürokratie (Universität? Geld? Staatsämtern? Geschäften?). Humor: MOOA statt MOOC
•√ Gespräch: Wie bekommt man den amerikanischen Führerschein? Wozu benutzt man ihn/den? Anekdoten; Beim DMV
•√ Wir lesen und besprechen einige bürokratische Fundsachen (Fahrscheine, Fahrkarten, usw.)
•N Nachholung einer vorigen Stunde: door-to-door (Vertreter; ins Haus; aber??); gullible (leichtgläubig). Vorschlag: Statt immer Vokabeln zu suchen, geben wir eher Beispiele / erzählen wir Geschichten
•N Practice for upcoming listening assignment: The famous Swiss "Allround-Entertainer" Vico Torriani tells about his early days: sound file; text
•N Übung: Wir erzählen Anekdoten über Schulung und frühe Arbeitserfahrung
•N Debriefing: How finding out about German schools might relate to occupational use of German; what vocabulary would be useful to derive from those sites?
•+ SpeakEasy-Sachen: Weiter zu den Kartenarten; Geldsachen (Papier usw; später: Geld/Kontoverwaltung
•N Debriefing: a) the "hands-on" and SpeakEasy parts of the course - regular activities, portfolio, grading; b) "tacit knowledge"; c) English conversation: 1) your job skills; 2) your business experience (or that of someone you know);
•N About learning resources for the course: See links above to Reference Grammar and Bildwörterbuch. Importance of expanding from dictionary and simple look-up to resources that offer more content (varieties in meaning; thematic presentation of clusters of vocabulary in embedding of vocabulary in contextual language)
•√ Musik/Literatur: "Die Sieben Todsünden", erster Teil: Faulheit (Text)
• Wrap up: assignments for the week and preparation for next meeting - see below
Aufgabe(n) |
Reminders of previous assignments (assignment & deadlines):
• Due Tuesday, 14 January): Read the course description and write, in English, a reflection about: 1) how the course fits into your larger PAST study of German; 2) how it fits into what you want from your study of German. Keep it to 1 page (250 words). Your reading and reflection will be the basis of class discussion of those topics, in German, on Tuesday, as preparation for when you compose your own career-related documents in German.
• Due Tuesday, 14 January): Was wollen Sie von Ihrem Studium / Ihrer Ausbildung?
• Due Tuesday, 4 February: Schulung und frühe Arbeitserfahrung: Was getan, was gelernt?
• Due Tuesday, 11 January: Transcribe and translate a broadcast segment about improving training of women in technical occupations
Vorbereitung auf die nächste(n) Stunde(n) |
• Explore issues of bureaucracy, practical law, dealing with personal problems by ••
Vorschau auf die nächste(n) Aufgabe(n) und Sitzung(en) |
• Reading (English) about educational standards, with a reflection in English about your own education in specific subject areas.
• Reading about bureaucracy, loans, renting.