Schriftliche Aufgabe: Schulung u. frühe Arbeitserfahrung

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For your German portfolio of documents that are relevant to employment and further study, write a one-page statement (250 words) in German, that summarizes your schooling up to high-school graduation and also mentions any work experience you acquired during that time. The point is to show that you have acquired the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that make you a good candidate for acceptance and advancement as an employee, scholarship applicant, etc. Here are some specifications:

1) Yes, name the important subject areas, but don't waste time/words saying what is obvious ("3 years of math in high school"). Tell the important things you absorbed from those classes ("learned to write logically and efficiently").

2) We all got some work experience even before we left high school (or even kindergarten). Maybe it was mowing lawns, babysitting, doing chores at home, selling Girl-Scout cookies. Tell how that experience makes you a better person and applicant/employee.

3) Be sure to deliver some facts ("we sold more cookies than any other troop in town"), but convey also the human side of yourself, with conclusions about deeper learning ("I learned not to be so afraid of talking to people") and maybe one or two little stories ("Then this friendly lady asked me whether I could figure out the price of 18 boxes of Samoas without using a calculator or even pen and paper."

Enrichment / Support

"Everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten" ="Alles, was Du wirklich wissen musst lernst du im Kindergarten". You can read some warm fuzzy principles at:

The famous Swiss "Allround-Entertainer" Vico Torriani tells about his early days: sound file; text