Deutsch 301 • Herbstsemester 2011 • Sitzung Nr. 11 • 31.10. Mo • Tagesordnung
√ = anwesend (nicht);
e = entschuldigt;
s= spät
Evan Bowman
??Websitegestaltung oder Produktions-vorgänge
√Beth Holub Text-verarbeitung (oder Grafik-verarbeitung)
Laurel Jones
√Stacie Looney
Michael Manca
??Markt-forschung, Website-gestaltung
Tim Meyer
Büro-verwaltung (oder Text-verarbeitung, Website-gestaltung)
√Ivan Reihsmann Logistik?, Personal-verwaltung, Kommunikation (Publizistik?), Ausstellung u. Präsentation
√Caren Sutton Grafik-verarbeitung (oder Textverarbeitung)
Website-gestaltung (oder Text- oder Grafik-verarbeitung)
Vorige Sitzung: Vokabeln |
sicher - safe, secure, certain (and -ly of those)
arbeitslos - unemployed
beschäftigt - busy, employed
tätig - active, employed
anstecken - infect
ansteckend - infectious
Kregs - cancer (or crab)
Dampf - Steam
Termin - deadline OR appointment
gefährlich - dangerous
Entwicklung - development
Inhaltsangabe, - verzeichnis - table of contents
Hauptaufgabe - main task, mission statement
Karriere - careers, employment
Praktimum (plural: Praktika) - internship
Sorge - worry, sorrow
Borgen macht Sorgen - borrowing brings sorrowing, worries ("He who goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing.")
Bremse - brake (pedal)
schon mal da gewesen - been there, done that
Unterlagen u. Grafiken [Zahlen in () beziehen sich auf meine Datenbanksammlung] |
Schlüsselwort/begriff des Tages / der Woche |
Ausbildung u. Fachkenntnisse
lernen - learn, study (work at studying)
unterrichten - instruct, teach
zeigen- show
beibringen - teach (a skill that involves physical learning or no thinking)
Ahnung - idea (inkling)
machen - make, do
lehren - teach, give instruction; jemanden + verb + lehren = teach someone to verb
belehren - to give a lesson to (also in wisdom, life, etc.)
jemanden eines besseren belehren - to teach someone thing (by school of hard knocks, mistakes, etc.)
tun - do (important things); behave (act)
produzieren - produce
herstellen - manufacture
zuerst - first, initially
zunächst - next (step)
zuletzt - lastly
anfangen - begin
weiter+verb - keep verb-ing
aufhören - stop
indem man+ verb - by verb-ing (similar with bevor / nachdem - before verb-ing, after verb-ing)
aufpassen - watch out
prüfen - check, examine
achten auf X- pay attention to X
vorsichtig sein, dass - be careful that
nicht vergessen + zu + verb - remember to + verb
Schwerpunkte (Zeichenerklärung) |
•√ SmallTalk: Reisen? Was für eine Rolle spielt das in unseren Zukunftsplänen, und in welcher Bedeutung? Nächste Themen: Sozialversicherung / Pensionierung, Sprachen, Glück (bei der Arbeit, im Leben),
•√ Übung: Unsere Reisen - Wir besprechen Reiseerfahrungen u. -erlebnisse (objektiv, subjektiv). Was haben wir von unseren Reisen gelernt?).
•√ Debriefing: What you observed in the foregoing activity - language capabilities and needs; maybe repeat with conscious understanding of aims and techniques (adjectives, past tense of modal verbs)
•√ Änderungen im Semesterplan (Wochenthemen), damit wir: 1) Sonderkenntnisse entwicklen können; 2) SpeakEasy unterstützen können.
•√ Übung: meine Mitarabeiter - was sind das (nicht) für Leute, und was tun sie (nicht)?
•√ Debriefing as above (third-person singular/plural and "man"; words for "person/people")
•+ Unsere Alltags- u. Fachkenntnisse: woher haben wir sie, wie haben wir sie gelernt? Beispiele: Autofahren, Radfahren, Computer, Handy usw. benutzen. Und jetzt wenden wir unsere Sprachkenntnisse an! Wir knoten Krawatten!
•√ Debriefing: How this relates to language proficiency; some advice about "faking" (and actually improving) your language skills
•N die Gruppe entwirft Fragen für eine(n) Firmenbesitzer(in) über seine/ihre Firma und deren Produke. Gilt auch als Vorbereitung auf eine spätere schriftliche Aufgabe (Beschreibung einer Firma), und auch als Vorbereitung auf die Entscheidung, wieviel/wenig wir in diesem Semester "SpeakEasy" machen werden. SpeakEasy Vortrag
•+ Debriefing: revisions & portfolio; assignment list; assignment texts are being moved to separate pages
•√ Practice for next listening assignment (see below): A defective product (0081); and here is the transcription
•+ Wrap up: assignments for the week and preparation for next meeting - see below; we're going to take part of this week and next to catch up and organize
Aufgabe(n) |
• Third writing assignment (due Monday 31 October): Your personality, other people's personalities and behaviors, and how that relates to your feelings about the workplace and your career. Read the questionnaire "Die 'Big Five' Persönlichkeitstest" and write a one-page description of your personality, with particular attention to how that relates to job and career preparation and activity. Specific things to address: How your personality has helped (or not) in your studies, how you interact with other people, how your strengths can make you a more employable and even happier person. Try to discuss 5 or more distinct features. For THREE of those features, give a concrete example of your thoughts and actions. ONE of those examples must be from the past, rather than from your present situation and work/study activity. It may help you to choose a personality descriptor (zurückhalltend, vielseitig) and do an internet search on that feature in combination with "ich über mich", to find a web page of someone perhaps like yourself, whose language you can then plunder. To steer away from dating sites you might add some "filter" words, like "Lebenslauf" (résumé) and references to job titles or specific interests. Here are two examples: thumbnail self-descriptions from a youth group; the detailed biostatement of a woman who writes children's books. We may use part of her text as a translation assignment.
• Third listening assignment (due Wednesday, 2 November): As usual, transcribe and translate. This (0047) is a commercial for a company that started in the US but was then bought by the German Federal Postal System. In keeping with Sitzung 8 and our description of personal traits, the commercial shows two contrasting personalities.
• Fourth writing assignment (due Monday, 7 November, one printed page, = 250 wds.): Description of a small business. You'll receive an English-language article about a small company and will write a summary about it in German. Aim to highlight 3 special features of the company, each in a different area of the key W-question collection (Wer, Was, Wann, Wo, Wie, Warum).
(Texts: 0231, 0449, 0447, 0446, 0436 , 0396, background reading: 0301, 0284, Schornsteinfeger).
• Fourth listening assignment (due Wednesday, 9 November): a food product (Langnese 0053) and how it is advertised and sold; follow the usual procedure: transcribe as much as you can with 3-5 listenings, and turn that in within a week; you'll then receive a full transcription to translate into English and turn in within another week.
Here are links to the sound files and transcriptions of clips we have listened to earlier: Vico Torriani clip; text • Peter und Litwina clip; text • Counterfeiter clip; text
Vorbereitung auf die nächste(n) Stunde(n) |
from previous Monday and Wednesday: X
Can you find a German-language version of a how-to manual that teaches about the special skills area you have chosen for your individual project this quarter? It could be general or just for a specific skill within that area. Examples: "Getting Familiar with MS Word"; "Headers and Footers in MS Word".
Vorschau auf die nächste(n) Aufgabe(n) und Sitzung(en) |
• Translation assignment (due TBA): information about a company. You'll find in the internet a German-speaking company which does interesting things related to one of your career / vocational intersts, read about it, and produce in English a summary.
• Fifth listening assignment (first stage due TBA): a commercial (Birnbacher)
• upcoming "Zum Spaß" listening in the classroom: a team of bumbling incompetent workers