William B. Fischer • Assignments, Tests & Deadlines
last modified: 1/20/14

PSU tel: 503 725-5285 • email: fischerw@pdx.eduweekly schedule
office: 451-D Neuberger Hall (intersection of Broadway & Harrison in SW Portland)
faculty/ professional website: http://web.pdx.edu/~fischerw
language software website: http://www.cosmolingua.pdx.edu

Note: the "on-time" factor in the third and fourth columns applies mostly to assignments in GER 10X. See the scoring guides for the individual activities. TBA = to be announced; NA = does not apply

Assignment / Activity

Date Activated / Conducted

Date due for 6 on "on-time" factor

Date due for 4 on "on-time" factor

GER 101/102/103 (my section ONLY) • course website

Assignment #1: email instructor

7 Jan.

same day

1 week later

Assignment #2: explore course materials (for all those new to PSU first-year German)

7 Jan.

see scoring guide

see scoring guide

"Kontext" study self-evaluation for every "Kontext" in the quarter

at start of each "Kontext" - NOT YET, and maybe not at all this quarter

24 hours after the "Kontext" is completed in class

day of next class meeting after "Kontext" is completed

Assignment #3: Take the online WebCAPE placement test for German (for all those new to PSU first-year German)


NA. Grade is either A+ (took the test) or F (did not take the test).

Assignment #4: evaluate your own language proficiency


NA. See assignment description for scoring guide.

Project 1: Einkaufen und Geschenke

23 Jan.

one week after activation (= 30 Jan.)

two weeks after activation (= 6 Feb.)

Writing test #1

1 Feb.

one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Oral test #1

done in class week of 4-8 Feb.



Project 2: Mein Zuhause, mein Alltag


one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Writing Test #2


one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Oral Test #2

done in class and during office hours, ••



Projekt Willkommen!

27 February

one week after activation (= 6 March)

two weeks after activation (= 13 March)

Writing Test #3

as final exam



Oral Test #3

as final exam



Weekly assignment: Tagesschau


UNST 236E SINQ "Interpreting the Past – Origins of Sustainable Environmentalism: In the Footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt – Explorer, Scientist, Human Rights Advocate • course website

For details click on the links below or use the link on the course "schedule" page where you see the outline for the meeting on the day the assignment was activated. DO NOT START AN ASSIGNMENT UNTIL IT HAS A LINK TO ITS SPECIFICATIONS





Intake experiences questionnaire

Meeting 01, 08 Jan.

Meeting 01, 08 Jan.

Writing sample: What Do You See in the Iconic Portrait of Humboldt?

Meeting 02, 10 Jan.

Meeting 02, 10 Jan.

Skills inventory questionnaire

Week 1 workshops

Week 1 workshops

Writing assignment 2: "Leaving Home"

Meeting 02, 10 Jan.

start of Meeting 03, 15 Jan.

Writing assignment 3: Your education and how it compares to standards

Meeting 06, 24 Jan.

start of meeting 10, 7 Feb.

midterm (will be done outside class)

meeting 10, 7 Feb.

start of meeting 12, 14 Feb.

Writing assignment 04: Description of a Humboldt-named or -related species

meeting 10, 7 Feb.

start of meeting 16, 28 Feb.

Writing assignment 05: Book review and list of books to choose from

meeting 08, 31 Jan.

start of meeting 18, 06 Mar.

Contributions to group project (research, discussion, writing, resources such as media or found/ made objects)

meeting 10, 7 Feb. and later

as needed by group, but no later than start of meeting 20, 13 Mar.

Group project presentation: revisions leading to presentation during finals week

