William B. Fischer • Assignments, Tests & Deadlines
last modified: 3/19/12

PSU tel: 503 725-5285 • FAX 503 725-5276 • email: fischerw@pdx.edu
office: 451-D Neuberger Hall (intersection of Broadway & Harrison in SW Portland)
weekly schedule September - Juneweekly schedule summer quarter
faculty/ professional website: http://web.pdx.edu/~fischerw
language software website: http://www.cosmolingua.pdx.edu

Note: the "on-time" factor in the third and fourth columns applies mostly to assignments in GER 10X. See the scoring guides for the individual activities. TBA = to be announced; NA = does not apply

Assignment / Activity

Date Activated / Conducted

Date due for 6 on "on-time" factor

Date due for 4 on "on-time" factor

GER 101/102/103 (my section ONLY) • course website

Assignment #1: email instructor

11 January 2012

11 January 2012

18 January 2012

Assignment #2: explore course materials (for all those new to PSU first-year German)




"Kontext" study self-evaluation for every "Kontext" in the quarter

at start of each "Kontext" - NOT YET, and maybe not at all this quarter

24 hours after the "Kontext" is completed in class

day of next class meeting after "Kontext" is completed

Assignment #3: Take the online WebCAPE placement test for German (for all those new to PSU first-year German)

30 September 2011

NA. Grade is either A+ (took the test) or F (did not take the test).

Assignment #4: evaluate your own language proficiency


NA. See assignment description for scoring guide.

Project 1: "Einkaufen und Geschenkie • Shopping & Gifts"

23 January 2012

one week later

<2 weeks later

Writing Test #1

1 February

one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Oral Test #1

done in class



Project 2: "Willkommen! • Welcome!"


one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Writing Test #2


one week after activation

two weeks after activation

Oral Test #2




Project 3: "Unsere Musik"



at final writing exam

Weekly assignment: Tagesschau


GER 301/302UNST 236E Sophomore Inquiry "Origins of Sustainable Environmentalism: Alexander von Humboldt" • course website

For details click on the links below or use the link on course "schedule" page where you see the outline for the meeting on the day the assignment was activated. DO NOT START AN ASSIGNMENT UNTIL IT HAS A LINK TO ITS SPECIFICATIONS.

NOTE (15 March, 2012): Because I will be at a conference out of town from Wednesday, 21 March, through early Monday, 26 March, I have to be stricter than usual about deadlines and how assignments reach me. Here are the policies and procedures:

1) Assignments 1-4: Accepted, with penalty for lateness, until Tuesday, 20 March, at 5 pm. Turn in to main office of the Department of World Languages & Literatures, Neuberger Hall 491 (open 8 am - 5 pm). Text must be on paper. If you have bulky visuals or props (craft items, large pictures, posters, etc.), ask the WLL staff to store them separately. If your project includes audio-visual files, you can email them to me if they are not very large (<10MB is fine) or - whatever the size - put them on a CD-ROM disk or similar memory media and turn them in with your project. Put your LAST name on every separate part.

2) Revisions of previous assignments: Same as above (no penalty for lateness, since they are revisions). I have to be able to distinguish easily your revisions from your original text. If your revisions are brief, you can handwrite them on a printout of your original text. If they are extensive, give me a printout of the original text (clearly marked "original") and also a printout of the revised text (clearly marked "revision").

3) Group projects: Due by 5pm on Friday, 23 March. Any time until then you can turn them in to the main office of the Department of World Languages & Literatures, Neuberger Hall 491 (open 8 am - 5 pm). You can also give them to Aaron at the final exam. Format and media: same as above. If the project is bulky or has many pieces of text, media, and props, you should put it all in some sort of container. Make sure to include the names (including LAST!) of all of the team members.

Scoring guide for reflective writing assignments





1 Writing assignment: Description of Humboldt Portrait

done in class at Meeting #2, 12 January


2 Writing assignment: Reflection about "Leaving Home"

11 January

17 January

see scoring guide for reflective assignments

3 Writing assignment: Reflection about your education and Oregon standards

26 January

9 February (changed from 2 February)

see scoring guide for reflective assignments; probably also some specific standards


9 February

16 February

print, not email

4 Writing assignment: Describe a Humboldt-related species

23 February (R)

6 March (T)

print (or store as digital file), and bring to class; don't email

Writing assignment 5: response to a short climatology article

Group Project

Discussed over several class periods

23 March (Friday) by 5 pm

see note above