June 2019
Two new manuscripts have been accepted for publication in Org. Synth. and OPR&D, check out the publications page! These are, in part, the result of a collaboration with Merck in which we have obtained and now shared important safety data on aryl(TMP)iodonium salts.
April 2019
4th year student, Aleksandra Nilova has been accepted to the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Research Symposium. Way to go Aleksandra!
March 2019
After a lengthy hiatus from updating this news feed, I am over the tenure hurdle and can get back to it! To summarize: we have published several new papers (check out the pubs page), completely turned over the group with four new graduate students (check out the group page), and embarked on several exciting collaborations with folks at OSU, OHSU, TCI, Otava Chemicals, and Merck
June 2015
First Group paper accepted in JOC. Congrats Sunil!
December 2014
- Francis joins the group. Welcome Francis!
- Lily successfully defends her Masters thesis. Congratulations Lily!
July 2014
Ezra, Justin and Daniel join the group as summer students. Welcome all.
June 2014
Tom passes his comprehensive exam. Congrats Tom!
May 2014
The Group is now funded by the ACS PRF (DNI Award)
March 2014
- Sunil passes his comprehensive exam. Congrats Sunil!
- Thomas Seidl transfers into the group. Welcome Tom!
January 2014
Dave named Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardee (2014)
June 2013
- The Group receives funding for "Innovation in Research and Creative Works" from the College of Liberal Arts and Science (CLAS) at PSU.
- Cassandra presents the work of her Honors thesis and graduates with a Bachelors in Science, Honors in Biochemistry. Congrats!
April 2013
Website goes live
January 2013
Sunil, Lily and Cassandra join the group