Generic Behavior in the Lindgren Non-Spatial Model of Iterated Two Player Games

Tad Shannon
Systems Science Ph.D. Program
Portland State University
PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207


Punctuated equilibrium is found to be a generic property of Lindgren's non-spatial model of coevolution of strategies for two player games. Macro measures of evolutionary activity and concentration within a population are introduced and used to characterize evolutionary dynamics in the model population. Punctuated equilibria are found across a wide region of parameter space, but are not found in the absence of adaptation. A variety of control experiments are introduced, including a neutral analogue that characterizes genetic drift in this model class. Finally, a model of population moving through genotype space is used to describe the punctuated equilibrium phenomenon and to introduce a taxonomy of punctuations. This classification is then applied to the observed base case model results.

This paper appears in Proc. of Artificial Life VI, Los Angeles, June 26-29, 1998; C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano, and C. Taylor, eds., MIT Press (1998).

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