Correct Answer: Only the first four are Professor Stipak's students.

The first is a new student looking forward to taking Professor Stipak's course.

The second student is half-way through Professor Stipak's course, but now talks to himself incessantly out of pure frustruation.

The third student is two-thirds through Professor Stipak's course and is sporadically ill, occasionally sticking out his tongue and spitting.

The fourth student has just finished Professor Stipak's Ferocious Final Examination, is finished with the course, and is finished himself.

The fifth person is Professor Stipak's sister, after consuming a pint of good microbrew with Professor Stipak.

P.S. The sixth person remains a fugitive at-large, the only successful escapee from a course from Professor Stipak. From sketchy reports we have learned, however, that he remains mentally disabled from the experience of the course, retaining that spaced-out look of students sitting in Professor Stipak's classes.

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