Unpublished JAGUAR Products


(Published Journal Articles)

Staples, M. E., Bartlo, J., & Thanheiser, E. (2012). Justification as a teaching and learning practice: Its (potential) multifaceted role in middle grades mathematics classrooms. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 31, 447-462.


(Published Conference Proceedings Articles)

Larsen, S. & McCaffrey, C., (2012). Seeing the general in the specific: a closer look at students’ example based reasoning. Proceedings of the 34th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 214-217. Retrieved September 29, 2013 from http://pmena.org/2012/downloads/PMENA2012_Proceedings.pdf
McCaffrey, C. & Larsen, S.,  (2012). Implementation for justification: supporting middle school student argumentation. Proceedings of the 34th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Kalamazoo, Michigan. 234-237. Retrieved September 29, 2013 from http://pmena.org/2012/downloads/PMENA2012_Proceedings.pdf


(Confernece Presentations)

Hennessy, B., Newton, J., & Staples, M. (2013, April). An exploration of the interaction between visual mediators and the mathematical routine of justification. Paper presentation at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Staples, M. (2012). Teaching with justification: What teachers need to learn to do this well. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Associated Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut (AMTEC), New Britain, CT.

Hauser, S., Staples, M., & Ostein, D. (2012). What does “proof” look like in the middle school? National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Regional Conference, Hartford, CT.

Staples, M., & Hennessy, B. (2012). Getting to the "Why?": Teacher practices that support mathematically sound student justifications in middle grades classrooms. Poster Presentation at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, CA.
Staples, M., Newton, J., & Brown, C. (2012). Promising classroom practices for supporting mathematical justification. Research Presession of the 2012 Annual Meeting and Exposition of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Philadelphia, PA. (poster)

Cirillo, M., Bieda, M., Ellis, A., Herbst, P., Smith, M. S., & Staples, M. (2012). The notion of proof in mathematics teaching: Is it changing? Research Presession of the 2012 Annual Meeting and Exposition of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA.

Strand, Krista (February, 2012) Elementary Pre-service Teachers' Generalizations and Justifications of Figural Patterns (AMTE, Forth Worth, Texas).