** check the updated reading assignments**
**sim 4 has been moved up to this Wed (if possible)**
imbalance in flow
level of intermediates as cue
2 component model - longer term portion
predictable portion
- daily incident light
- seasonal light, temperature, nutrients
unpredictable portion
- depth of an individual
- pulses of nutrients
- fractal nature? (1/freq.)
time to adapt
- simulation (models/time-to-adapt.xls)
- shows assymetry (hysteresis?) in up vs. down response
- how many time steps?
time steps
- step from 50 to 20 for example
- inefficiency
compare the between winner and second place
- model how long it takes to exclude
- assignments/nutrient-competition.xls
down-regulation of photosynthesis to handle high light stress
complex down regulation hypothesis