due: May 7
Refer to notes, competition.html, and competition.xls.
Note: This Excel model has a major limitation in that the nutrient concentation values can go negative. This leads to exponential increase in the population. You can fix this by decreasing the time step or by changing parameters (such as lowering the growth rates). This would be easy to fix by putting limits on all the values in the nutrient concentrations, but instead you should just avoid it.
The purpose of this is for you to construct a complete example at different values than I used.
1) Pick a set of (Ks and Vmax) parameters for species A and species B for which A wins in some nutrient concentration and B wins in another. Show both curves on one graph.
2) Run the simulation at a loss rate that would favor A (starting at near even populations of A and B).
3) Run the simulation at a loss rate that would favor B (starting at near even populations of A and B).
4) Run the simulation at a growth rate that favors A, but starting with higher population of B that must be overcome.
I just want to see the graph outputs.