Notes for lecture 10 - April 29



  1. Assignment update
  2. Discuss chapt 10, 11 and 12 from Speth
  3. Preview for Norton - some of the big ideas


1. Assignments

how many are reading what book



2. Finish Speth

my notes

link -- good environmental stewardship leads to good governance


3. Intro comments for Norton

Norton introduces and provides a solid philosophical justification for some big ideas.

Philosophical justification that ties to historical work, where these ideas that we have now came from and how they diverged.

pragmatism rather than ideology

facts and values have to be discussed together

3 tenets of scientific adaptive management

2 types of science (curiosity based and problem centered)

analysis of wicked problems

environmental values - discussion requires a committment to some shared values and democracy

beyond the grand simplification for a sustainable future

assessing problems at multiple scales - including time scales