Lecture 7 - January 28, 2009


1. "Logistic" model vs. resource limitation model

lecture 3


growth_rate = max_growth_rate * (K - Pop)/K

resource limitation

growth_rate = max_growth_rate * Resource / (Resource + Km)


resource is depleted as population grows

simplest model - 1:1 growth:depletion

might have resupply or recycling


2. Three applications of STELLA models

a) harvest from a sustainable population of fish, for example

b) harvest under variable conditions

c) manage a population in a reserve for a population that follows the logistic equation


a) harvest from a sustainable population - dynamic management strategies

STELLA models

logistic - show flow

logistic + harvest

dynamic harvesting strategy

switch to interface for "real time" management mode

b) logistic-harvest-variability

show equations - sin relationship

value of a simulation in this situation



c) maintaining a population - structural solution

set up a reserve

run through the scenarios



4. Traditional societies managed stocks using reserves

How did other people learn how to do this?

sacred groves link

Why did we forget?


Good reference link - refuge-models.hmtl