OverviewIn class we went over four models that built from a very simple logistic model, adding maximum yield, then adding a variable carrying capacity and finally creating a refuge as part of the ** the downloads don't work now ** |
Model 1: Logistic growth
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Model 2: Logistic growth with maximum yield diagram 1 shows the model diagram 2 shows the inteface that was used to simulate this in class.
Model 3: Adding variable carrying capacity We used this model to show how harvesting enough to keep the population away from the carrying capacity lead to increased population growth rates throughout the entire season.
Model 4: Adding a refuge This model has a carrying capacity that is variable and has a stretch of hard times. The idea is to be able to manage the popualtion as if you didn't know exactly when the bad section was. In this model we adjusted the harvesting effort until the population crashed and then showed how adding a refuge could "buffer" the population and reduce the chances that the population crashes.
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