Add to 15 game link Mount Fuji representations - Beinhocker
Mount Fuji representations - Beinhocker
our list of representations verbal, descriptive cartoon, icons chart of trends chart of data algebra to describe data other models could be more than just a list - different ways to look at a problem complex problems with many parameters and choices maybe there's a way to represent it as a problem you already know how to solve or are good at example: what do you think you're good at?
our list of representations
verbal, descriptive cartoon, icons chart of trends chart of data algebra to describe data other models
could be more than just a list - different ways to look at a problem
complex problems with many parameters and choices maybe there's a way to represent it as a problem you already know how to solve or are good at example: what do you think you're good at?
complex problems with many parameters and choices
maybe there's a way to represent it as a problem you already know how to solve or are good at
example: what do you think you're good at?
what do you think you're good at?
go to lecture3 - graphs: Pop vs. time - sigmoid growth rate vs. population - linear r = rmax * (K-N)/K r = -N/K*rmax + rmax*K of the form Y = mX + b compare points on one to the other
go to lecture3 -
Pop vs. time - sigmoid growth rate vs. population - linear r = rmax * (K-N)/K r = -N/K*rmax + rmax*K of the form Y = mX + b compare points on one to the other
Pop vs. time - sigmoid
growth rate vs. population - linear
r = rmax * (K-N)/K r = -N/K*rmax + rmax*K of the form Y = mX + b
r = rmax * (K-N)/K
r = -N/K*rmax + rmax*K
of the form Y = mX + b
compare points on one to the other
rmax = .04 K = 1000 initial population = 100 plot N vs. time and new_growth vs. time plot r vs. N
rmax = .04 K = 1000 initial population = 100
plot N vs. time and new_growth vs. time
plot r vs. N
math help
We'll fill this in later