Lecture 13 - February 17, 2009


1. Models: mechanism or fit - you decide

a. interpolation

generating a value from in between data points

within the range of observations

probably go for fit with least computational effort


line Y = 0.1*X +1 vs. exponential Y = exp(0.7*X)


sigmoidal Y = X^1.8 / (X^1.8 + 6^1.8) vs. Y = sin(.08*X)


b. extrapolation

see above where simple errors would come from

c. hypotheses generation

compare the functions - is one more meaningful than the other?

in my own work: Productivity (P) (of algae) vs. incident light energy (E)


light limitation then light saturation
Pmax and Ek

model name equation in Excel
Blackman = MIN(E * Pmax/Ek , Pmax)
Hyperbolic tangent = Pmax *TANH(E/ Ek)
Saturating Hyperbola = Pmax * E / ( E + Ek)

Poisson ( distribution of photons hitting a small target - link)

Ek is sites and E is events per time interval

= Pmax*POISSON(1, Ek/E, TRUE)



2. LOG function

a. review

the log of a number is the power of ten that would give that number

log(10) = 1 --> 10^1 = 10
log (100) = 2 --> 10^2 = 100
log (1) = 0 --> 10^0 = 1

other simple values

log(5) = .699
log (2) = .301
log (3) = .477
log (3.16) = .5 the square root of ten

multiplying numbers is the same as adding the logs

5 * 2 = 10
log(5) + log(2) = log(10)

b. logs and ratios

if I multiply a number by 2 each time, it's like adding the log(2)

2*2 = 4
log(2) + log(2) = log(4)

multiplying by this same ratio 5 times
2*2*2*2*2 = 2^5 = 32
5*log(2) = log(32)
each time I multiple by 2 the log of the result increases by the same amount (0.301)

something increasing by a constant ratio (arithmetically) would be increasing linearly on a log scale


If you want to see if something is increasing by a constant ratio, plot it on a log scale. The slope will be the log of the ratio. For example in figure 13f, on the Y scale, 10 is 1 unit, 100 is 2 units and 1000 is 3 units. The slope of the line is 1 / 3.3 = 0.301


c. why this is important