Lecture 12 - February 16, 2009



1. Models from book of open systems

link to pictures

food chain



2. Characteristic of open systems

inflow from source and/or outflow to sink that's not counted as part of the system


food energy in - growth, death to predators or decay, heat out

energy for moving a car- physical work done and heat out


3. Optimal load for maximal work

link - power and loading

maximum power hypothesis from systems ecology

might lead to pulsing


4. Creating a energy transfer and loss model for a food chain

a. food chain

10% transfer & 90% loss at each step

conversion between mass of food and energy

Kcal/g dry weight of food

carbohydrates and protein -- 4 Kcal/g

fats -- 9 Kcal/g

all connected flows and stocks have to be in the same units

b. think about how to draw a single component of the model

food energy in --> animal grows and waste energy out

such as:

c. linking these together

d. this would be the same structure for many types of model


5. connected flow of two different units

a. energy content and carbon

follow material separately from energy, but they are linked

simple community model (producers, consumers, recyclers)

this descriptive diagram (would need more details to be implemented)


b. nitrogen and phosphorus

c. metal ores

cadmium is a significant contaminant in zinc ore

any use of zinc will result in putting cadmium into the ecosystem